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"Who downloaded this to my laptop?" I asked showing them a network dating app. And there i saw Nayeon raising her hands. "Just give it a try" Nayeon said pouting. "Just stop pouting" I said and laugh. "You'll try?!" Nayeon asked in shock and i just nodded.

I didn't really wouldn't try it and just walk to the practice room instead and start practicing. "Practicing is so much fun than dating" I said to Momo whom practicing with me. "Eating is very very very fun than practicing nor dating" Momo said and laugh. The practice ended.

I walk back to my room and opened my laptop and start playing games.

I was playing games when a notification starts popping making me lose the game.

As I read the notification it was the dating app that Nayeon downloaded. I just ignored and start another round. But the notification popping seems more agressive. "This thing is annoying me!" I said as i angrily opened the damn app.

I answered all the requirements. And I put 139141 as my username. As what the instruction says. They're the one who's gonna pick my Network Lover. cringe

1015198211. Is the username of my Network Lover. Cringe.

He texted Hello. I replied Hi. And the convo starts well. Well it kinda feel different with what i thought. This guy kinda seem friendly. "I thought practicing is better than dating?" Momo asked and laugh as i hide my laptop. "It's just, it kept popping" I said trying not to stutter. "Don't worry" Momo said and laugh as she walks out of my room. The guy told me he needs to practice. Maybe he's a player. Idc.

"Jihyo?" I asked as i knock at the door. "Yes?" she shouted from her room. "I can't find my flash drive" I said. "I gave it to Seungkwan yesterday, sorry" She said opening the door. "It's fine, I'm just gonna get it, i really need it" I said and ran to Nayeon's room.

"Nayeon Eonnie" I knocked. "Yes? Minari?" She asked opening the door. "Could you drive me to SEVENTEEN's dorm?" I asked. "They're not in their dorm, they're practicing right now" She said as she show the convo of her and Woozi. "Drive me to their practice room then" I said. "Why? Are you gonna visit Joshua?" She asked smirking. "Wait! What?!" I said in a confusion. "I'll get my flash drive and Jihyo gave it to Seungkwan" I said and Nayeon just nodded still smirking. "Let's go then" She said.

We drove all the way to their building and enter their practice room seeing them. Nayeon just stay outside. Seungcheol and Nayeon kinda have some complicated things and I don't even know what it is.

"Mina" Joshua said in his confusion tone as i bow. "Perhaps, Is Seungkwan here?" I asked. "I'm here!" Seungkwan shouted and stood up and walk towards me. "Where's my flash drive?" I asked. "I haven't download the app yet, I don't have time" Seungkwan answered. "Where's your laptop? I'll do it" I said and sigh. He clap his hands and get his laptop. "Shua, stay here we'll just gonna get some foods" DK said winking at Joshua. As i start copying the app to Seungkwan's laptop.

"Is it done?" Joshua asked. "I want to play that too" Joshua added and chuckle. "I can download it to your laptop too" I said. "I use computer tho, i don't have laptop" He answered. "I'm gonna give this flash drive to you, tomorrow at the awarding show then you can download it, i barely need it right now" I said as i saw the downloading finished. I gave Joshua the laptop and pat his shoulder. "See ya" I said and ran.


+ my brain isn't really working :<<<
++ It'll take time for me to update, around weekends/friday

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