Kicks and Hiccups

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You and Niall were cuddling in bed when you felt a couple jolts in your stomach.

"Babe?" Niall sat up. "What's wrong?"

You took his hand and placed it on your moving stomach. He looked at you confused and then started smiling.

"The baby's kicking." You said sweetly.

"Oh baby. Sooner or later, he or she is going to be in our arms." He said tearing up.

"I know. I can't wait. Wait NiNi. The rythim is changing."

The kickings turn into a jump every few seconds. You look at Niall with a puzzled face.

"Honey. He or She has the hiccups!" He laughed.

You laugh too.

"Oh my gosh. That is so cute!" You giggle.

You and Niall sit on the bed watching your little baby hiccup every now and then on the womb. Niall then takes out his phone and takes a video.

*posts video* My little baby and my beautiful wife😃 baby just kicked for the first time and now has a stubborn case of hiccups✌️

He then snaps a picture of your stomach.

Twitter: baby horan kicked for the first time😄😄 he's now hiccuping in mommy's tummy💕

Later, some trends are all over the social media hashtags.

After the joy of seeing all the supporting fans, you and Niall have some alone time. He draws little circles on your stomach. You look up into Niall's eyes.

"Your going to be the best father ever Horan." You smile.

"Your going to be the best mother ever Y/L/N." He smiles back.

"I can't wait. I love you."

"I love you more Y/N."

Youre pregnant and Niall is the dadWhere stories live. Discover now