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Heya! Okay, to start off I'm just going to say some quick things about the story, your character, and a few warnings so I hope you do not mind, and yeah! And just introduce myself cause well why not?


Your character:

Name: Y/N L/N

Age: 16 years and 7 months

Personality: You come off as a chill individual who likes to just hang out with friends. You can get quite irritated when somebody messes with you. Bubbly when you're with friends. Tomboyish.

Likes: You like chicken, cold soba, small insects (spiders are a different story though), family, small gifts, friends, reading, studying, working out, and some creative things such as drawing, painting, etc.

Dislikes: Villains, high egotistical rude people, rude people in general, Mineta (sorry you perv), rumours being spread about yourself.

Considering you're a laid back type you don't usually dislike many things.

Quirk: Phase Shift/Invisibility

Phase Shift allows the user to do one of two things; either harden their body through increasing their density, or phase through solid objects by decreasing their density. When their density is high, their body is so resilient it is almost unbreakable.

Invisibility is pretty self-explanatory. It is when the user can go invisible at any moment so that nobody can see them.

Though sometimes your quirk can be very powerful some of the setbacks can be lethal up to critical.

When using phase-shift too much your body will begin to react and destroy itself by causing muscle strains, nosebleeds, coughing up blood, and eventually blacking out. If too much power is used it can make the user go into a coma.

Invisibility doesn't have many setbacks other than just getting a few nosebleeds once or twice and a blurry vision with a bit of light-headedness but not critical to pass out or faint.

Strength and agility: 4/5

Intelligence: 5/5

I forgot the rest lmao😅

Personal information: [mother's name] and [father's name] are two pro heroes but have completely different quirks compared to their daughter. Your mother with the quirk of telekinesis. Being able to move things with her mind and your father with the quirk of healing (again quite self-explanatory)

You have an older brother- B/N- who went off to be with the league of villains due to when he wasn't accepted into U.A and heroes shut him out whenever he tried to help. His quirk was similar to yours except he can form metal from anything he touches and manipulates it into weapons and whatnot. His quirk was powerful.

Your mother, unfortunately, died before you graduated high school due to a fight with a villain who stabbed her. Though you do want revenge for that death. But nobody seems to know who that villain is was to this day and you swore to find them.



!I do not own My Hero Academia. The credits towards the making of BNHA goes to Kohei Horikoshi!

!Some artwork that will be shown will not be owned by me the credits go towards the rightful artists unless I put my own artwork up and claim it as my own!

!I do not own the characters of BNHA which will be included within' this fanfiction!



Date first published: 1/07/2020

I will attempt to update this book every Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, and Monday.

Due to the lack of school and work. It may vary around a bit but at the moment I am currently on holiday so I'll try update at much as possible within before school starts back up again.

I am currently also moving around a lot with houses, arrangements around my personal life, and seeing my significant other and friends so I'll try work between those and update. If I miss a day I'm so sorry!😣

Update every 7 PM EST every day I mentioned above⬆️


So! That's that. My name is Amelia! Mia for short as the majority of my friends and family call me. I am Australian and I am 15 and almost 6 months old. As I said I'll give you a small introduction about myself.

I do write my own novels I don't always publish them though cause I don't feel as if they will be good enough.

Though I did publish my newest one at least the first chapter so far. I will leave a link if you ever wanted to read it down below!

That's not the point though😅😅

I really hope you enjoy this Hawks X Reader fanfiction! I don't usually publish on Wattpad I use Quotev more but yeah.

If you ever want me to do a face reveal I will be able to do it no hesitation there but I am terribly looking😂😂 But I am quite laid back as your character!

Without further ado!

[Hawks X Reader]

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