Chapter 1

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Feeling the wind send the leaves fly above the ground is a beautiful thing to see during the spring. Kids yelling in excitement in the park. Everyone chatting and sitting on the benches. As for me.. I'm feeling the wind take me away as I'm sitting on a bench.. alone, peacefully. Everything was peaceful.. enjoyable.. calm.. and beautiful. Life couldn't be better..

"Evelyn... Evelyn.. Evelyn!.. Evelyn!!" As I snapped out of it, I looked at my brother as he was calling me. He was sitting beside me on the bench with a worried look. "Oh, yeah?" I said confused. "Are you okay? I've been calling you for the last three minutes!" He said. "I'm fine. I was just.. feeling the wind!" I said, smiling. "Oh.. well, we have to go home now. I have to cook dinner." He said, standing up while grabbing his keys and heading to the car. I looked at the kids from the playground, then stood up and went to the car as'well.  

When we arrived home, we got out of the car and went inside the house. "I'll be in the kitchen cooking dinner, I'll call you when it's done." My brother said, leaving me at the front door. I looked at my surroundings then walked upstairs to my room.  

I shut the door, and went to my closed to change. I put on a Black-rose crop top, with white ripped jeans. I stood in front of a long, wide mirror, and let my eyes explored myself in the mirror. After, I left my closet and sat onto my bed. I took my phone from my desk that was on the right side corner of my bed. I layed down, and started to keep myself busy, by watching people do new types of hairstyles. 

I've forgot to introduce myself, I am Evelyn Garcia. I am eighteen years old, and I'm in high school. I have an older brother, witch is downstairs making dinner, his name is Liam. If you are wondering about our parents, you should know that we don't. We were put up for adoption. Now your probably thinking about who adopted us. Well, our Mother-in-law, is working right now. Her name is Jessica. She is a very kind woman, honestly. So, my life has been amazing! 

"Evelyn!! Dinner is ready!" Liam yelled. A few short moments later, I responded. "Yeah, I'm coming!" I stood up and made my way out of my room to go downstairs. 

When I was at the kitchen, Liam placed a plate of food onto the table, and another next to it. "Hope you like it!" He smiled, sitting down next to me as I sat. He served us white rice with beans, salad, and fried chicken. The food was delicious, he should be a chef one day. "Wow, your food is amazing! When did you learn how to make it? Was it Jess?" I asked. If you are confused on why I said Jess, that's what I call my mother-in-law. "Yeah, I learned it from Jess." He answered. "Wow, she is very good." I said, shocked, not literally, but surprised. 

A few hours have past and it is midnight. Me and Liam are watching some movies, but before this movie finished, Liam was already asleep. I turned off the TV, and went to a closet. I grabbed two blankets and went back to the living room. I covered Liam with a blanket, then I layed down on another couch and covered myself with a blanket, then soon, I was fast asleep. 

A few hours had past, and while I was in my sleep, I heard a big bang.. I quickly sat up, and looked around. It was all dark.. I slowly stood up and walked to a wall and held it with my hands. I searched for the light, and turned it on. It was 5:53 in the morning. I looked at the couch were Liam was supposed to be sleeping at, and he wasn't there. "Liam!?" I yelled, then stood in silence. I looked around and was given no answer. I started to worry, and then I walked upstairs to my room to get my phone. 

When I got my phone, and I called Liam. No answer. I took a deep breath and sat on my bed. I inhaled, then exhaled. He's fine, he's probably somewhere.. but why at this time?.. No, I'm just overthinking everything.. He's alright.

I stood up and left my room. I went downstairs, and the door opened. I gasped and turned to it, and Jess showed up. "Hun, are you alright?" she asked. "Yeah.. do you know where Liam is?" I asked, walking to a couch and sitting down, still worried. "No, where is he?" She said, putting her purse on a counter near the door. "I don't know.. I just heard a bang, then realized that he wasn't here." I said, as she started to get worried. "I think he's at the store, he's alright." She said.

I hope.. if he's not here in a few hours. I'm going out and looking for him. He won't just leave in the middle in the night. He'll probably come soon. I stood up and went back to my room. I layed on my bed, then went back to sleep. 

Hours past and it was 9 in the morning. 

I stood up, and left my room to head downstairs. I smelt food.. is it Jess? I went into the kitchen and saw Liam cooking breakfast. "Liam!? Where the heck were you!" I yelled, running to him and giving him a tight hug. "Eheh.. I was at a party." He chuckled. I sighed and relaxed on his shoulder. "I was worried.." I whispered. "I'm fine.. don't worry." He said, grabbing a plate from the top cabinet. 

I stepped away, and sat on a chair next to the table. He placed the plate in front of me, and he smiled. "Hope you enjoy!" I looked up at him confused. "What about you, aren't you hungry?" I asked. "Oh, no thanks. I already ate at the party. Okay, now eat up." He smiled, then walked away. I looked at the food, then at the fridge. I'm not hungry too, I guess. 

I stood up holding my plate, then walked to the fridge and put the plate in. Before I closed the fridge, the power turned off.. I gasped and stood still. "Liam!! What happened to the lights!?" I asked. "I don't know! I'll go to the basement and turn it on!!" He yelled, from the living room. As he went to the basement, I walked to the living room, and looked out the window. The town's lights are off too.. why?.. 

"It doesn't turn on!!" He yelled from the basement, walking back to the living room. "The town's lights are off.." I said, lowering my voice.  "We'll be fine.. it'll turn on." He said, sitting down on a couch.  "Okay.." I whispered. I walked back to my room, and turned on my phone. I should call Tiffany.  I called Tiffany, and waited for her to pick up.

"Evelyn, are you okay!?" She asked, yelling over the phone. 

"Yes, I'm fine. But do you know what's going on?.." I asked. 

"You didn't hear!? People are literally killing each other!! More like eating each other!" She yelled, sounding like she is crying.

"Calm down!! How are they killing each other? and where?" I asked.

"T-there at a party at brook street.. some people are d-dead!.. Me and your brother left, but it seems like he left first, so he doesn't know what happened.." She explained. 

"Oh my- is this one of your jokes Tiff!?" I yelled, started to feel worried.

"No, I'm not!! Check the news!" She said, hanging up after. 

I ran out my room and went downstairs, to the living room. I turned on the TV and watched the news, as my brother came over and sat. "What you watching?" He asked. "The news.." I said. He looked at me confused, and then back at the TV. 

To be continued..
What will you think what would happen in the next chapter?.. 
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