chapter 2

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There has been a major disaster that is being spread on brook street.. everyone near brook street must evacuate. If you are in brook street, stay calm, the police will be going around looking for you all. As for the people who does not know what is going on.. there has been a mistake. There are creatures out there. hunting for us humans. You all might be wondering how did the creatures get here. It's been here. The scientists were working on a human for a project to prove something. But it was a complete failure. You need to evacuate as soon as possible!! That is a warning not a choice! The police will be at your front door, giving you a message to evacuate. Stay safe.

The channel changed, and I turned off the TV. I couldn't believe it.. I was shocked.. "How could this happen!? It makes no sense!! I was just there last night, and nothing happened!!" Liam yelled, confused. I stayed staring at the TV, feeling all kinds of emotions.. scared.. angry.. afraid.. terrified. I just couldn't believe it.

As we both were processing the stuff that we heard, there were hard knock's on the door. "Police, open up!!" They yelled. My brother opened the door, and saw two police men. "You all need to evacuate, now!!" A police demanded. My brother stepped back then looked at me. "Okay, Evelyn, pack your stuff." He said walking to his room as the police stood at the door. I ran upstairs to my room, and grabbed a book bag. I put my phone, clothes, shoes, books, flashlight, and memory books inside. I held my bag while shaking. Tears started to fall out of my eyes, and down my cheeks. I sobbed, and sat on my bed.

Liam came in and looked at me, worried. "Hey, Evelyn.. it's going to be alright. I'm here for you.." He said giving me a hug. "What about Jess and Tiffany?.." I asked. "I know Jess will be fine.. we will ask them to pick up Tiff." He said, taking my hand and walking me downstairs. "You'll be fine as long as your with me." He whispered. "O-okay.." I whispered back. The police walked as we followed behind. We saw people with polices walking out of their homes. We saw fire's, from far away. There were explosion's, and gunshots. I've never seen this before.. it's horrifying..

"Police, can we pick up a friend first!" Liam asked. "Yes, but make it quick!! They will be here soon!" A police man yelled, as he got in a police car. Me and my brother ran to Tiffany's house as fast as possible. I hope she's okay..

When we arrived, Liam slammed the door open, and Tiffany stood startled on the stairs, then she ran to Liam and gave him a tight hug. "Oh my god! thank you!.." She said, crying. Liam kissed her cheek and looked at her. "We have to go now." He held her hand and we all left.

When we were a the spot where the police men's car were, they weren't there.. the car was left behind and-- there were the creatures!! E-eating them!? I panicked and Liam grabbed Tiffany's and my hand, and ran to our house. I looked behind us, and the creature was following us in anger... more like hunger.

He threw us in, and slammed the door close and locked it. The creatures ran to the door and kept trying to get in, but failed. "W-what are we going to do now!?" Tiff asked.

"I don't know.. but I have one thing in mind.." He said. "We need to train.. practice.. and search for weapons, or anything useful for we could kill these, zombies.."

"Zombies!? There Zombies!?" I yelled, witch made the creatures bang on the door harder. "Shh.. we have to wait till there gone.. then we will start training tomorrow." He said, walking to his room. "I'll go with Liam.." Tiffany whispered. As she walked to his room, I sat on the couch, and started to think.

What is going on?.. Why does this have to happen?.. Is this the end of the world?..

I started to cry silently. I stood up and went to the bathroom, then locked the door. I looked in the mirror, and tears rolled down my cheeks. I washed my face, and sighed. I'll be fine, right?.. will Jess be okay?.. You know what.. I'm just over-thinking everything, everything's going to be fine in a few days.

"Evelyn.. when your done using the bathroom, you can go rest and we can train for tomorrow.." Liam said outside the bathroom, leaving. I washed my face, then left the bathroom. I went inside a room, and laid onto a bed. I stared at the wall, and soon, I fell asleep.

A few hours have past and I woke up, hearing a big bang on the door. I quickly sat
up, and started staring at the door. I stood up from the bed, and walked out the room. I saw Liam look out the window, then looks at me. "It's just the.. creatures." he said in a whisper. I nodded my head, and walked to a window. The creatures were walking around tiredly.

"Liam.. what is going on?.." I asked quietly. "I don't know.. it might end soon though. We'll be fine. I promise." He said, pulling me into a hug. "Okay.." I whispered calmly. He broke up the hug and looked at me for a few seconds, then walked away. I sighed, and sat down on the couch.

I don't get it.. none of this makes sense.. creatures?.. zombies?.. human eaters?.. I don't know anymore. It all just happened out of no where. You know what.. I have to stop this act. I need to be strong. There will be an end to all this.-

"Evelyn. We need to start training. Come." She said quietly. I nodded, and we were on our way to the basement to start training.

It's time to get our self's ready for a war..

To be continued..
What will you think what would happen in the next chapter?..
Comment your thinking before you move on..

Met them in a disaster (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now