Chapter 4

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My eyes slowly opened, as I heard notification's coming from my phone. I quickly sat up, which made me fall off my bed. I turned to pick up my phone, then I saw messages from Jess none stop. I pressed on them and began to text back as small tears started to make its way down my cheeks.

Jess: "Hun, please answer me!"

Evelyn: "Jess!! yes, I'm here! Where are you!?"

Jess: "I'm in a cave with many survivors! Are you guys okay!?"

Evelyn: "Yes! Were at home."

Jess: "Good. I was worried.."

Evelyn: "Do you know what is going on!"


Jess: "I heard that there was a major accident in the lab."

Evelyn: "Lab!? Accident!? what! what where they thinking!? Where they trying to kill this community!?"

Jess: "I'm not sure.."

Evelyn: "Never mind that, how do we get to you!?"

Jess: "No! Don't come looking for me!! It's to risky.."


Evelyn: "How will we find you then?! We need you Jess.."

Jess: "I am sure Liam will take care of you.. I will find you. I promise."

Evelyn: "H-how! Jess you are going to risk your life!!"


Evelyn: "Jess! Jess!!"

I threw my phone and ran out of my room. I ran downstairs and banged on the door for some reason. "Jess!! please, please, no!!" I yelled, dropping to my knees, sobbing. 'It's all my fault' I thought. 'She's gone.. she's dead.. because of me'

Liam and Tiffany ran out their room, and ran to me. "What's wrong!?" Tiffany asked. "Jess is going to die because.. of m-me!!" I stuttered, while crying. Tiffany wrapped her arms around me, and Liam stood up, and went back to his room. 'The hell is his problem!? Does he even give a fuck about her!? (Sorry for my language..)' 

"Hey, it's okay. She's going to be okay. We all will be." Tiff said. I looked at her, and she gave me a small comforting smile. I smiled back, and she sat next to me as a few seconds went by. 

I heard a big bang behind me, on the door. I jumped, and quickly stood up. I heard snarling and groaning coming from the other side of the door. Me and Tiffany slowly took a few small steps back, and the banging on the door grew louder, and louder. I yelled. Tiffany quickly covered my mouth, and I looked at her, then back at the door. 

The banging on the door continued as I continualy stared the door, not wanting to look away for even a second. I was shaking.. I couldn't stop.. 

As the banging got harder and louder, the door slightly cracked. Me and Tiff gasped as the cracks were getting worse. Liam came out of his room, and pulled us both. The door broke. The creatures were running after us as we went out the back door. Liam kept running and running, pulling me and tiffany along with him. I stayed staring at the creatures in fear.. 

Liam looked around, and finally spotted a truck. We all ran to it and rushed inside. He found the keys under the driver seat, and turned the car on. As he was about to turn on the truck, a creature held onto his arm. Liam held the creatures head, and punched it. He closed all the windows, then turned the car on. 

As the creatures arrived to the truck, Liam drove on in full speed. 

A few moments had past and Liam was still on full speed. "LIAM!! SLOW DOWN!" I yelled at him. He ignored me and drove faster. I gasped, and stared at him angrily. "LIAM SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!" I yelled at him again. He pushed on the breaks and we stopped. He opened the car door, and slammed it. 'What the hell is his problem!?'

I got out the car frustradedly, and walked up to him as he was standing on a hill. "Liam. What's your problem now.?" I asked, rolling my eyes.  He stared at me, with some type of emotion. Sadness mixed with..  Shame?.

I sighed. I walked closer to him, and wrapped my arms around him. "You miss her?." I asked, lowering my voice. "Yeah.." He said. "I'm sorry for acting diffirent in some way." 

"It's fine.. I understand why.." I whispered.

He showed a small smile, and he gave me a hug. "I love you, sis." He whispered. "I love you too." I smiled. I felt safe being wrapped around his arms. He's my brother. My protecter. He's always there to support me and comfort me.. unless he has problem's of his own to deal with. I'll always have him by my side. I can promise that.

To be continued..
What will you think what would happen in the next chapter?.. Comment your thinking before you move on..

..Sorry if this chapter is short..

Met them in a disaster (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now