Chapter 7

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What am I going to do?. Am I going to stay here?... No. I'll find my own way out soon. Right now, I'll just look around I guess.

I walked to the door and looked around the halls. I walked out of the room not knowing where to go. A minute past and I was down the hall. 

I feel like I need those guys to guide me around, I don't know where I am right now...

"H-hello?... Is anyone here?" I said. 

No one answered.

"Is anyone here?" I repeat.

Am I alone? Or am I on the top floor or this building or house?. You know what, I'ma just walk in random rooms, no one is answering so might as well find out where everybody is.

I walked to the first room and opened the door. 

No one was there. It was a bathroom.

I walked to the next door, which was way farther than the first one.

I opened the door and yet no one was there.

I went to the next one and walked in. More like barged in. 

Oh shit, I think I'm going to regret coming here. Yeah, it was definitely a mistake coming here. I felt like I was going to pass out.

I was standing perfectly still as I observed Zeke with a Towel wrapped around his waist, and his soaked body.

I swiftly turned around and left, slamming the door shut on my way out. I laid myself on the door heavily breathing as my heart beats rapidly. 

What in the world did I just witness... Oh my god... I have to get out of here before I witness anything else. I know I just got here like, twenty minutes ago, but it's time for me to go.

Before I took a step forward someone grabbed my arm and pushed me against their body.

"Where are you going?" He asked sternly. 

"U-Umm... I'm j-just walking a-around." I stuttered.

"Hmm..." he hummed.

He didn't even bother changing before coming to me. And dang, I feel hot as hell. 

"C-can you l-let go now?.." I asked lowering my voice.

"Sure Ev." He said, letting me go.

The name he called me... sent chills going down my spine. 

"Umm... Zeke." I called out.

"Yes?" He responded.

"Can you show me around.. I kinda got lost on my way here." I asked.

"Sure. Just got to change." He said as he walked to his room.

My face feels hot. Am I- blushing?. Shoot. How come I didn't even notice. Oh my god. Did he see!? Jeez, this is so embarrassing!! W-whatever. 

When he finally finished getting dressed, he opened the door and came to me. Wow, he was wearing an all-black shirt, jeans, and shoes. And he looks... hot. Jeez, what am I saying? I just met him. Ugh. 

"Umm... you know a fly can come and you know. Go in your mouth?" He chuckled. 

Oh my- My mouth was open the whole time, how embarrassing.

"Oh uhh... yeah." I nervously smiled. 

"Come, I'll show you around." He replied walking past me to guide me around. 

When I followed him, the first place he took me was the rooms, then living room, kitchen, bathrooms, second living room, meeting room, training room, and then the second kitchen. 

"Wow.. you guys have a big house." I said, Amazed on how.. pretty, spotless, cool, nice, and beautiful the house is.

"Yeah." He muttered.

Is he mad or something?. Did I say something wrong?. I don't know but whatever it is, it's creeping me out..

"Okay. So do whatever you want, make yourself comfortable, I'll be in the meeting room." He said in a stern voice.

"...okay" I murmur.

I don't know where to go, what to do, so... might as well rest.

Okay, this is the end of the chapter, so... I'ma do a A/N and yeah. Bye!

Met them in a disaster (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now