They're Going to Pay.. With Their Blood.

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Caleb walked down the street, mumbling to himself.

"Stole all my weapons.. I swear to Tchernobog.." He was pissed, and rightfully so. Although, he knew why she had done it.

She wanted demons to be redeemed, and giving them dynamite definitely didn't help with redeeming them. He had.. gotten in the way of her dream.

Well he felt like an ass.

But all thoughts were suddenly banished when he walked by a store that had television sets inside.

"Hello, Channel 666! I'm Katie Killjoy!"

"And I'm Tom Trench!"

"Today, we have a story for you! As it turns out, the Happy Hotel, renamed 'Hazbin Hotel' is currently under control by an unknown party. Anyone walking by has been shot by a shotgun. And- This just in! The demons in control seem to be leaving the building! They're holding up signs. 'We have the princess!' One sign says. Well! It seems that-"

That was all Caleb needed to hear before he took off in the direction of the Hotel.

"Those bastards came here too... They just don't know when to stay dead, do they?" Caleb chuckled. Until he remembered that, again, the hotel was under their control. They had Charlie, and most likely the others too.

They had taken his friends hostage.


They're going to pay.. with their blood.


Charlie sat on her bed, on the verge of tears. She had done it again. She let her emotions get the better of her, and she messed something up.

Caleb probably hated her now. He would never come back to the hotel. And if he did, he would never want to see her again.

She had been a total bitch.

Just then, a portal opened up in her room.

Charlie stared. It was clearly only one way, as she couldn't see through it. She wondered who had done this. Maybe it was Alastor playing a prank? Maybe it was her Dad coming to visit?

What she saw coming out of it was neither of those things. It was a bunch of robed figures.

Tan hoods, gray hoods, green hoods and blue hoods. Gargoyles. Orange dogs. A giant spider. Tiny, walking hands.

"Where... is Caleb Monolith?" One of the green cultists asked.

Charlie was frozen.

"Spit it out!" A tan one yelled, and pointed a shotgun at her. It looked exactly like Caleb's shotgun.

"I.. I don't-"

"Great. Boys, grab her!" The green one yelled. They all ran towards her. She turned into her demon form to try and stop them, but they were able to quickly overpower her.

They tied her up.

"Bring her to the penthouse. And break the elevators! If Caleb comes to save his little girlfriend, he'll have to go through all of us!"

"Yes boss!"

They carried her away.

Charlie thought she could be smart and change back into her normal form, but one of the cultists saw.

"Do that.. and I'll blow ya' brains out!" They held a shotgun to her head. She quickly went back into full demon form, and they continued on.

She was fucked.

The Guy With The Gun - Caleb (Blood) x Hazbin HotelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon