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Pairing: Marty Scurll/FC/Adam Page

Category: Smut

Warnings: Threesome; language

"I'm not saying I want a threesome, but I'm not opposed to it"


Marty Scurll. It still sent a thrill through you to think his name. To think that he was yours. It always brought a goofy smile to your face. You watched him laughing and talking with the Being the Elite cast while lacing up your boots. Your eyes drifted over to Adam Page who was standing next to Marty, just in time for Marty to catch you making him shake his head and smile at you as you shrugged. Marty was well aware of your infatuation with Adam Page. Or at least with his looks. Personality wise you and he didn't mesh very well, but damn if he wasn't nice to look at. The light to Marty's dark. It wasn't like the two of you didn't like each other, but you were never going to be best friends. You got along and that was all that mattered to Marty.

The months passed by. Your relationship with Marty was going very well and the two of you had started discussing the possibility of moving in together. It made sense you were either at your place or his every night anyways. Why pay rent for two places when one would suffice?

Having just finished a show for the night the entire group was trying to decide where to stop for food. Of course Matt and Nick immediately voted for Cracker Barrel with Cody and Brandi quickly agreeing. You exchanged a look with Marty before declaring you couldn't possibly stomach another Cracker Barrel meal for at least a week. That seemed to be the only place they would ever eat and honestly you were tired of it.

Adam ended up coming along with you and Marty opting out of Cracker Barrel as well. The three of you ended up in a little corner diner across the street from your hotel. The three of you sat talking long after your plates were empty, you leaning back against Marty's chest as he rested in the corner of the booth. Shifting in the seat your skirt rode up your thighs, dangerously closely to revealing your panties and you caught Adam looking.

"Like what you see cowboy?" You asked with a smirk, making him blush and quickly look away.

"Sorry," he muttered looking everywhere but at you and Marty.

"Quit teasing the poor lad, Y/N." Marty chuckled giving you a poke in the ribs. "You're turning him all red."

You gave an unrepentant shrug smiling cheekily.

"I'd say I'm sorry but I'm really not. He's just so cute when he's all red and flustered." You giggled. It was all fun and games, but you couldn't help but nonchalantly spread your legs just a bit while looking innocently at the dessert menu sure you were giving Adam a nice eyeful of your red lacy panties.

The three of you walked back to the hotel room your head resting on Marty's chest with his arm over your shoulders. All three of your sleep schedules were all messed up due to time zone changes so none of you were tired. Marty suggested Adam come up to your room for a movie. He agreed stopping off in his hotel room for a shower and to change while you and Marty continued up to your floor.

"So you've got a bit of a thing for Page do ya?" Marty asked as he stripped off his clothes and changed into a pair of athletic shorts.

"What?" You asked spinning quickly to face him. "I do not. What are you talking about?" You could feel your cheeks turning red as your boyfriend told you how he had definitely noticed your teasing of Adam.

"Bet he loved those little panties of yours." Marty said with a smirk. "I know I do."

"I was just playing Marty, I'm sorry." You said feeling bad now that you realized your boyfriend had seen your antics.

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