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The doctor comes in

D:I'm glad to see your awake Mr.polibio
D:treat this young lady right she has sticked by your side this hole time she always looked up for you waking up she is a true angel I love how she never gave up in you waking up

M:Sure I will

You and Mattia smile

L:ty for that ,that was very sweet or of you to say

D:sure thing you guys can leave tomorrow

The next day bc I ain't about to write another Hospital Sean

L:you almost ready?
M:yea go change now
I change into

L:you almost ready?M:yea go change now L:ok I change into

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Only the outfit and shoes

L:yea the boys don't know your coming home today it's a surprise!
M:sounds like your the most excited to have me back home

You look down kinda embarrassed

He lifts up your chin

M:Don't be embarrassed it's cute

You give him a peck on the lips

He grabs your waist and gives you a real kiss

You laugh

You grab his hand
L:let's go!
M:what about the paper work?
L:I'm one step ahead of you and your one behind I already did that

You guys get in the car
M:I'll drive

L:get in the passenger seat not asking do it
M:ok dad
You guys laugh

You start driving and from the corner of your eye you see Mattia staring at you
L:take a picture it'll last longer
M:oh uh

You guys are at a red light
You grab his face and kiss him
L: stop suttering weirdo

You guys get home
You whisper to Mattia
You see the boys upset on the couch

L:you guys good?

K:yk sorta
A:I miss my boy
K:same here
L:well you guys won't have to feel like that anymore
K:if your talking about drinking me and ale are clearly saying no
L:no not that

You grab mattias hand and pull him in
M:What up

they run over to him they hug him
L:aww that was cute

K:shut up
He runs Over to you hand wraps his hands around your waist and hugs you
K:I missed your goofy ass
L:well I'm back Olaf
K:shut up I'm taller than you
L:Still makes you a Olaf size

He squeezes you
L:ok I'm sorry

He let's go

Ale runs up to you hugs you the same way as Kai since he ran to you
You were about to fall
M:chill out that my girl
L:oh really
M:Bro ofc
L:last time I checked you didn't claim me jealous much ?
You smirk
M:shut up
L:that's what I thought
K:Bro ale lets leave them alone they need some alone time doe
A:Your right ttyl bro bye Lia
L:No-whatever bye

Mattia kisses you
You guys start making out
Blah blah no details skip the smut and skip to the night
L:So ig welcome home lmao
The next day you wake up and run to the bathroom
You start throwing up
Mattia rushes in the bathroom and he holds your hair while he rubs your back (I can't adorable GOALS )
M:let it all out Bby

You start crying (let's be honest I'm not the only one who cry's while throwing up)

You finish
You wash your mouth
And lay on the bed
L:hold up

You sit up you and Mattia have worried looks
L:did you-
M:I'm sorry!
L:it's not your fault I'm not mad I'm actually kinda happy
M:tbh same
L:can you go buy
M:sure thing bubba (I'm cringing hard rn)
He kisses you and comes back 20 min later

You go to the bathroom and take the test
While you were doing that Mattia called

Over so you were taking the test

You come out of the bathroom

You see everyone there
L:oh wow
M:i had to I'm sorry
L:it's whatever but if that shit comes positive kio and Diego will kill me
D&k:no we won't
They nod

10 min later
L:it's time to flip it
You flip it and it comes out....


If some of you could noticed this story is slowly coming to a end comment if you want me to make a sequel I'll write this note on "the cast "
Chapter aka the first one bc that's the chapter most ppl read
Words counted 783

The love of your life/Mattiapolibio Where stories live. Discover now