Pt36pouring our hearts out<3

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A/N:Heyy so ima write 1000-1500 words to make up for what I didn't write yesterday:)

It's been 8 months since we've left not gonna lie I felt lost more lost than ever the kids they are so upset I wish I would go back in time and never leave I'm trying so hard to change I decided to take the kids to mattia so they can be happy for at
Least a month


They are in the bed quietly

L:Ik you both miss dadda very much I do to so how about this I'll let you guys spend about a month with him

They stood up

Le:Really mommy!

L:yes Bby i know it was mean if me to come without telling you guys

They smile

You go back to your room and FT mattia

My shorty✌️🥺❤️:Hi mattia
My dino🦖🥺❤️:what ?
My shorty✌️🥺❤️:Dang sorry didn't know you were upset
My dino🦖🥺❤️:Oh shiii Lia princess sorry it for some reason said unknown caller so that's why
My shorty:Ok
My Dino:What's up
L:I'm bringing the kids over to you for a month they really miss you they aren't the same lil happy kids running around everyday laughing and giggling they are always laying down quietly without anything it breaks my heart
My Dino:Fine princess when are you bringing them ?
L:tonight actually
My Dino:ok can you stay on ft with me floor longer pleaseee (Puppy eyes)
L:Uhh fine
L:I'm going to straighten my hair
D:Isn't your hair already straight?
L:maybe but wtv

He laughs

You start to straighten your hair and then Leliani comes running to the room

Le:Max he is going crazy he is throwing things all over the place he tried throwing glass at me mommy I'm scared

She started crying

L:Bby don't worry I'll go see here sit on my chair and talk to daddy

You rush to the room and see Max crying

L:Bby what did you do!!?

M:Mommy I'm sorry

He walks over to you and you pick him up

L:Bby you don't have to apologize to me you have to apologize to Leliani she is really scared

He nods you guys walk to the room Leliani gets scared

L:Bby he
Isn't going to do anything he wants to say sorry

She slowly nods

M:Sissy I'm sowwy

Le:it's ok

They hug

L:go play

They nod

My Dino:That was adorable

L:Shit i forgot i was on ft

M.D:Lol I gtg so I'll see you soon?

The love of your life/Mattiapolibio Where stories live. Discover now