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You hug everyone and have the best time until you see..MOM AND CHASE

Flash back 30 min before
L:let's go on rides now

Le:mommy can me and Chloe get on that one
Le:pretty please mommy
L:ok fine only bc i can never say no to that smile
They got on then all the lights go off
(Zoe dad and Ashley were here to let's just pretend you only have Zoe as your step sisters )
Back to present time

The lights turn back on and you see your mom and chase
Mom:Missed me
L:Not one bit Give me my daughter back
You say in tears
M:Why would you try and keep her a secret from me
M:Yiu thought you killed me and chase get what you didn't
L:Omg what do you want

Kio and Diego come by your side
She and chase pull there guns out

L:good thing we never leave without ours
We all pull are guns out
Leliani starts crying
L:Give me leliani and fight like a grown ass women that you are
M:for saying that I will give your so call daughter a tiny cut
M:to late oops

Leliani Screams

You shoot chase 5 times and he REALLY DIES THIS TIME

M:Ok tell your little friends to put there guns down and fight with me and I'll give your ugly rat back

She throws Leliani on the floor

As soon as she does that you shoot her so many times she dies so quickly

You quickly bend down you pick up Leliani she is sobbing which makes you cry

Le:Mommy it hurts
L:ik Bby let's go home

You don't bother to put Leliani in her seat you keep carrying her

It's dead silence until Leliani breaks it
Le:Mommy dadda will she hurt me again...?
That makes you cry
L:No Bby she won't hurt you ever again
You say as you kiss her in the head

At home

You take Leliani to the bathroom and clean up her bruises and cut

Le:Mommy owwww!
You cry

L:I'm so sorry Bby

You finish

She looks sleep you so carry her she falls asleep like 2 min later you lay her down

You get up and change into

Forgot to say chase kicked you in the tummy

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Forgot to say chase kicked you in the tummy

You go to the bathroom and see it
You start crying
You get confuse why he called you Lia and not any nickname
M:sorry I called you by your name it's just I'm worried you hate me now

L:why would i hate you
M:bc i in danger you and Leliani I'm suck a dick

He say pulling his hair

You walk over to him and remove his hands

L:Ofc not! Your amazing and it's nobody's fault it's my moms and fucking chase don't ever blame yourself for something that you didn't do I love you I'm just upset of what happened

M:are you sure bc I totally understand if you hate me
L:Bby I don't hate you
You kiss him

You guys lay down and start watching a movie when the door opens
Everyone:you guys good
Kai:Good bc we wanted to cuddle !
They all jump on the bed since your bed is huge you guys still had space

You cuddle with Mattia and you fall asleep you fall asleep thinking what's a crazy big family we all I'm so lucky to have these dorks in my life

Mattias arms were around your waist and he's head on your chest
You give him a kiss in the forehead and fall asleep

Ok This was a sad chapter but also a cute one awwwwwwwww(I'm sorry I'm cringing 😬)
Anyways words counted 659 !!"!

The love of your life/Mattiapolibio Where stories live. Discover now