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(One Week Later)

Blu was in his hollow, heartbroken and angry. The fire had taken the only thing that had worth to him: Jewel. He was absolutely sure that this fire was not an accident. Someone deliberately set it going in an attempt to annihilate the macaws. The only question running through his mind: Who did this?


Terrin perched himself high above, in a tree that only had a few leaves remaining, smiling, content that their plan had succeeded. He saw Blu mourning, however, and immediately wanted his revenge on that menacing macaw. He was as dumb as a bird could get, but still he managed to outsmart anything that came across his path. Terrin flew south, about three miles out, and reported what he'd seen.

"It appears our plan has succeeded, Nigel," he explained. "I didn't see many macaws flying about. But Blu -- somehow he survived it."

"Then it has failed. I wanted the pestilent species eradicated, yes. But most of all, I wanted him dead."

"What's to be done about Blu?" Gabi asked.

"There's only one thing left to do, dear Gabi. That -- is to face him while he's unprepared."


Later in the afternoon, Blu visited Jewel's grave. Within his talons he held a bright pink flower. Looking down at it, Blu began reminiscing.

"Remember the time we had in Rio?" He asked as if she could still listen. "You pretended to hate me; you couldn't wait to be rid of me. But deep down, you still cared. I still care about you, too.

"Heck, we all miss you. I know -- it's only been a (sniff) week." He wiped away a tear. "I promise this one last thing to you, Jewel. Whoever is responsible will pay for what they've done."

After finishing, he walked to the head of the grave, placed the flower down, and said, before leaving, "Your favorite."

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