Lost And Trapped

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I know exactly how to end everything. There is no way in hell that I'm gonna escape this maze that I have made for myself. I can't find the light. I am alone in the darkness guided by my monsters. I am going to end this once and for all. 

I had been a pain for everyone. From my parents, from my siblings and from HIM.

Dear Mom & Dad, 

        Sorry for being your disobidient and ungrateful daughter of yours. I'm sorry for being a disppointment in our family. Sorry for not being good enough. But I will always love you, 


'This is what they want.'

'They will be happy without you.'

'They want you dead, Margarette'

'No one wants you here'

'They left you all alone'

'They are just there when they need something from you'

'Who would've love you Margarette? You are a loser, hypocrite and suicidal girl'

'You are a big disappointment'

The voice in my head screams louder than I did. Then suddenly my feet got me up. They are leading me somewhere!

I ended up on my bed and got my pills under my pillows. I swallowed each and everyone of it. I started feeling dizzy, then everything went black.

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