Chapter 2

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Want to go out sometime? ;) – Warren’  “You have got to be kidding…How in the world? What? He can’t be serious! I gotta call Chloe”

“Hey, what’s up?” Chloe answers in her chirpy voice.

“Go on to my block right now and see what Warren has been saying.” I say completely gob smacked.

“You are in luck Carm, cause I’m already online.” She yelps. A few seconds pass as she reads what Warren says.

“Holy shit! He did not say that…Oh my god.” She gasps into the telephone.

I hear typing. “I know right, how embarrassing!” I say laughing. Bling! I get a notification from Chloe, this outa be good.

Awkward cause she likes someone else… - Chloe’

“Chloe that’s so mean!”  I yell at her on the phone and start typing.

“I know babe, but he needs to know his place.” She responds

“You’re about that one. I’m gonna be nice though.”

‘ Hey Warren, look we’re just friends okay? I don’t like you like that…I’m sorry but I like someone else. – Carmen’

“You think that was good to say?” I ask Chloe as I hear here chewing away on something crunchy on the other line.

“Perfect! Hey listen I gotta go! But I’ll see you tomorrow Carm! Love you.” She quickly says

“Hehe love you too. Bye!” I hang up. I need fresh air because I can’t keep thinking like this. It’s like what Ron Burgundy says in anchor man “I’m in a glass case of emotion!” except I’m in my room. I walk to my balcony doors and unhinge to the hook as step out to the cool breeze.

I hear yelling from a few houses down and a door slam. What’s going on? It’s probably Emily. Yes that’s right! She lives in my street.  I see Luke appear on the side walk walking fast almost passing my house I step out a bit further for him to see me more. And he looks up.

“Oh my god!” I then trip over my chair that’s sitting on my balcony in plain sight. I can’t believe I just embarrassed myself. I here laughing from underneath me as I bend over my balcony.

“I’m so fucking clumsy oh my god!” he stops at my letter box and looks up to see me bending over my balcony. “I can see that.” He says with his gorgeous charm. “Woah! Woah!” I yelp and fall over my balcony and land into my plants and bushes. I squint at the painful feeling as Luke runs over to me, bending down and touching my forehead.

“Oh my god I have never seen anything like that before hahaha! Are you okay?” He chuckles and grabs my hand to pull me up.

“O-Oh yeah I’m fine, I guess.” I say rubbing my butt. That fall really hurt. “Gosh I felt like I was in the air for a bit. Woo!” I rub my head.  “Are you sure you’re okay? Because the fall looked pretty bad” He placed his hand on my lower back and guided me to my door step. I rubbed my eyes, trying to get the dirt out of them and chuckle.  “You must be Carmen, yeah?” He says as we stop at the door step.

“Yeah! Umm you must be Luke, right? I’ve seen you around at school.” I nod my head while awkwardly smiling.

“Yeah…and I’ve definitely seen you around school too.” I he laughs. “Hey, it’s not funny alright? I’m prone to accidents. It’s like I’m cursed.” I say looking in to his eyes as we talk. Man he’s got some beautiful features, and his lip piercing too!

“No, I feel really bad for you Carmen, especially after today with Emily.” He said trying to contain himself. I smack his chest playfully. “You saw that?” I asked embarrassed.

“I did indeed. And it was funny to see Emily embarrassed for a change.” He bites his lip wring.

“Hang on…but she’s your girlfriend?” I ask curiously

“Yeah well she’s also a bitch and we’re basically done now haha.” He awkwardly smiles.

“She’s so mean to you. I see her yell at you all day and tell you what to do and then out of nowhere surprise you with a kiss.” I cross my arms over my chest.

“That’s Emily for you. I’m so done with her. I just came from her house, telling her how I feel and that I didn’t want to do this anymore and she slaps me across the face like a little bitch.”  He says aggressively. I’m mortified.

“I know this is stupid but…do you need a hug?” I say gesturing

“It’s not stupid at all.” He engulfs me into his arms and sighs over my shoulder. This is the best feeling in the entire world.

“Well it’s getting pretty late and I need to ice my butt so yeah…I guess I’ll see you at school?” I say as we break away from each other. He chuckles laughter and nods. “You do that Carmen, and I hope you haven’t broken anything. Thanks for cheering me up…it really means a lot” He slowly walks back down my front yard and to the side walk.

I give him a cute smile. “See you tomorrow Luke.”

“Bye!” he waves as he jogs down the street, heading back to his home.

What the hell just happened? Was I in a dream? I just hugged Luke Hemmings! Oh my god.

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