Chapter 4 -

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Luke’s POV ~

Today’s the day we find out who our lab partners are. To be honest I really just want to be partners with someone that’s going to help me. I was put into advanced chemistry and all I can think about when I say the title is failing. And my parents hate failing. I may seem like a pretty chilled dude to most people but gosh, deep down inside I freak out over the smallest things. I have so many anxiety attacks.

Just walking through the hallways at school freaks me out, but my buddies Calum and Michael will always understand me.

“So, I guess the person you don’t want to be lab partners with is Emily, I presume?” Calum nudges me as we walk past Emily and her crew. I look over to her face as she smirks and bites her lip to me.

I can’t even look at her now, all she has done is hurt me and I lost it at her. She deserved it but still, it makes me feel so stupid.  

“Dude…Advanced chemistry? Emily isn’t even smart.” Michael says as walks past us down the hall to his class.

“Watch it, Clifford!” Emily shrieks as she struts down the hall to her class.

Calum and I take a seat next to each other on the table in the class as everyone else takes a seat in the room.  

“Students, today you’re getting your lab partners so if we could just settle down please and I’ll get the role ready.” Mrs Hartley speaks over the loud noises of the class mates as we all eventually come in.

“Hey, Isn’t that Carmen?” Calum says in my ear as I turn to see who walks in to the class room. I am in complete shock. I’ve only started noticing her a lot more now. She’s just such a bright girl and I’m so glad I was there to help her last night when she fell off her balcony.

“Yes. That’s her.” I smile and bite down on my lip ring as I smirk to Calum.

“You like her don’t you?” He teases as Carmen searches around for a seat and sits down at the table with all the nerdy boys. I watch her every move, the way she places down her books and tucks back her hair behind her ears and awkwardly fixes her jeans before she takes a seat. She’s actually pretty cute. But I don’t really know what I’m thinking. It could be me just trying to get over Emily. Who knows?

“Shut up.” I smirked.

“So you do?” he asks as he’s pointing and making it obvious that we are talking about her.

“Calum, I don’t know if I like her like that, I just…think she’s very attractive, that’s all.”

“Understandable.” He nods. “But dude it’s so obvious. You should just ask her out and see what she says.” he manly wacks me across my head playfully.

I glance over to Carmen once again and smile, I just want to get to know her more before I ask her out.

“Alright everyone’s here today which is fabulous! Now time to tell you your partners, now I chose these pairings because I’ve noticed in all of the previous classes and work that has been given to me that there are people who work well together as a pair and can do great things with each other.” She says as she stands to the front of the class with the names on the sheet.

“Here we go.” Calum rolls his eyes. I look around the room and stare at Carmen, her eyes are full of hope. She turns her head to face me and gives me a small grin as I bite me lip and give her a small wave, she returns it smiling back at me.

“So Calum, your partner is Marry.” He turns his head to me and I begin to smirk. He hates Marry! She has a crush on him and Calum is scared of her. He tries to run away every time he sees her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2015 ⏰

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