Chapter 3 -

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Today I woke up with the best idea, why not make myself look nice at school and more attractive for Luke. I want to him to notice me more on the way I look, not the way I embarrass myself. I decided on an outfit that may draw attention, black holy/ skinny jeans, black tight half top that shows a bit of the belly button, red flanny, black converse and straightened hair for the day. I apply my makeup and keep it light, adding a tinge of powder to cover some un-wanted pimples, and just some small amount of mascara.  “Well done Carmen. I think he’ll like this!” I sang and pulled my iPhone out of the adapter and ran down stairs and into the kitchen.

“Hey mom, what’s for breakfast?” I ask, hugging her from behind

“I left you some fresh fruit salad on the counter.” She says as she’s mixing away on the fry pan.

“Thank you!” I take my fruit and run to the hat stand and collect my bag and open the front door.

“Bye Mom! Bye Dad… wherever you are.”  I say as I’m slowly closing the door.

“Hold on Hold on, kiss goodbye!” Mom runs down to the front door kisses my cheek. I turn to walk down the footpath but stop. Emily and her two best friends are sitting in her car right in front of me.

“Who still kisses there mommy? Loser!” then she sped off, laughing hysterically with Alanna and Darcy, her two minions who does whatever she says.

“Well isn’t she nice?” Mom spoke in a fake tone.

“Yep, that’s Emily for you.” I say holding onto the two straps on my bag.

“She’s a bitch darling, don’t take it personally.”

“I spilt my lunch on her yesterday in front of the whole school.” I say blankly

“As funny as that sounds darling, you need to keep your head up. Now go! You’re going to be late!” She yells and shoos me away from the house. “Bye!”

 I run as fast as I can to school, lucky it’s only a five minute distance. I hate being late so I run faster, trying to dodge the slow walkers on the way. I then crash into someone and fall straight to the ground, hitting my head on the concrete while everyone laughs around me. I look up and give everyone weird looks.

 “Move along now.” I say to each person staring.

The male figure that I crashed into turns and smirks as he sees me. Luke Hemmings, once again I’m embarrassed!

“We keep running into each other like this.” He chuckles and helps me up from the ground. I scatter into his arms and he falls back a bit. “Oh I’m so sorry!” he holds both my hands and holds me up straight.

“You’re good?” he asks me as we look into each-other’s eyes. I grin, “Yes I’m wonderful, I-I mean yeah I’m good, thanks. And again I’m sorry I smashed into you before.” I say freaking out as everyone stares, along with his two best friends Michael from the year above and Calum in the same year as us.

“Lukey Boy! Who’s this fine lady?” Michael asks making his way over to me and kisses my hand.

 “Oh haha” I awkwardly stand there smiling and freaking out. No boy has ever done that to me.

“This is Carmen, Michael. She’s in my year.” He smirks and looks up to the sky.

 “He’s always horny so I think you should stay away from him.” Calum ads and wacks Michael across the head.

“Well…I’m gonna go now if that’s okay with you guys?” I ask awkwardly while Luke stairs at me the whole time. Why is he doing that? It’s kind of creepy but he’s looking at me…Oh my god!

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