Big Uh Oh

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"Let's go!" I shout throughout the house as I walk down the stairs in a different sports bra and matching leggings.

"Do we have to?" Zane asks

"Yes you have to," I say as Jeremy follows behind me

"Why?" He asks as Jeremy and I pull him off the couch

"Because you're a lazy couch potato," I say as they follow me downstairs

A hand slaps my ass and I scowl at Jeremy, "It's not just there for show," he says

"It really is," I say as I turn on the lights to the studio.


The boys follow me upstairs.

"I'm exhausted," Jeremy complains

"2 tears in a bucket," I say

"Me too!" Zane says

"Get over it," I answer taking a sip of water before giving my water bottle to Jeremy who gulps the thing down, "How about a swim?" I ask

"Yes!" They shout before running up the stairs and into Cole's room. I go to my room and change before grabbing towels for us.

The boys are already in the pool with water glistening from their hair. I dive into the deep end into the water. I come up from the water and hands wrap around my waist.

I can't stand here so Jeremy takes me to the part where I can stand as I grab the beach ball.

We go in a triangle trying to keep the ball from touching the water before a voice clears making us look to the side of the pool.

Cole stands there looking all hot in a suit. I glance at the boys who smirk in my direction before we pull ourself out of the pool wrapping our arms around Cole soaking his suit.

"Ahh!" He yells as we hug him tightly while we all giggle, and he starts chuckling.

"Sissy made us stretch with her," Jeremy says

"I know," Cole says

"te lo dije!" I say to Jeremy
(I told you!"

"Bueno, bueno," he says putting his hands up in surrender
(Okay, okay)

"What did I tell you?" Cole asks me

"Not to speak Spanish around you?" I question

"Yes, so what did you say?" He asks

"I said I told you," I say, "and he said okay, okay," I point to Jeremy

"So did you do something you might regret?" Cole asks

I shake my head, "Nope," I say

"I know," he says kissing mine and Jeremy's heads, "What did you do?" He asks

"Make out," I shrug

"That's all?" Cole asks

"Yeah," I say nodding my head

"Was there more Jeremy?" Cole asks

He shakes his head, "Nope,"

"Also daddy I totally get to brag!" Jeremy says jumping in excitement making Zane and I chuckle

"What is it?" Daddy asks

"Sissy says she loves me first," he brags

Daddy chuckles, "Unfair," he gasps making me giggle as he lookd at me

"I totally need a little," Zane says

"Im not sure they would want you," I mumble earning me a sharp spank from daddy, "Owie!" I pout

"Rude," he says

"It was a joke!" I say crossing my arms

"Fix your face," he says holding my chin

"Te meterás en problemas," Jeremy says
(You'll get in trouble)

I fix my face dropping my hands to my sides.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow," Zane says hugging us before leaving into the house

"Bye," Jeremy and I say together

We walk into the house and Cole's hand was easily around my waist. I try to remove his hand from my waist but it doesn't budge, making me groan.

"What's wrong?" Jeremy asks

"Esta perra no moverá su mano." I say in pure anger
(This bitch won't move his hand)

Jeremy scowls at me and I look down, "Oops," I say softly

"Yeah, big oops," Jeremy says

"What did you say?" Cole says

My eyes widening remembering he was here, "Nuffin," I say

He grabs my throat making me look up at him as I stood in front of him, "What did you say?" He asks

I shake my head humming in response.

"lo estás empeorando," Jeremy says
(You're making it worse)

"fue un accidente," I say quickly
(It was an accident)

"Jenna Nicole, you have 10 seconds to say it our I will take you upstairs and punish you now," Cole says

I close my eyes listening as he counted down from 10. At 0 he picks me up swiftly taking me to the playroom.

It probably would be worse if I told him what I said.

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