the royal runaway and going into hiding (chapter 1)

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Shadow moon pov

I was in my room sitting on my bed as I was supposed to be getting ready for my arrange wedding that my so called step father had made for me my father wouldn't do that to me. but anyways I wasn't getting ready I was planning on running away my mother came in and sees me sitting on the bed starring at a wall as my mother the queen says to me in a kind nerchering voice. why aren't you getting ready my prince. I replied sounding moody. because I don't want to marry her. she sighs and says. I know how you feel I was the same before your father saved me from the arranged marriage. I looks at her as she says kissing my forehead. maybe I can try and stall while you get ready. I nodes pretending to agree as my stepfather walks by with my mother as when he isn't looking I rolls my eyes. while no one is around I pack a bag and them puts my armour and cape on along with my father crown I kept while I puts my father cape and armour in my bag while I was about to sneak out my window. into my favourite and personal guard sees me and I sees him he is like a brother I never had as he says. go I'll make something up. I nodes going out a window while I climbs down to the ground and turns into my horse form. while my bag turns into a saddle bag as I runs away going south as I thinks of were to stay. I did remember visiting a horror attraction with a creepy animatronic I couldn't remember the name off with my father years ago but I wasn't sure if it is still there as I continues running in my horse form.

A few hours later

Shadow moon pov still

I arrived in town and looks around in my horse form as I then decided to turn human and looks around as it was night as I see the horror attraction still there like it was all those years ago. I came with my father as I walks in holding my bag closely as I walks in I looks around not knowing there are security cameras watching me into I starts hearing heavy foot steps. so I hides in the darkness for a moment into I saw a creepy looking robot coming while I get nervous hopping no one will see me into I saw his eyes and I somehow felt connected to him.

??? Pov

I heard someone entering my attraction as I was staring in a camera creepily into I decided to go and see who is in my attraction at this time of night. as I get to were I heard the noise I looks around into I see something shinny in the corner  but ignores it for a moment as I grabs a brick throwing it at the camera breaking. as I turns my attention back to the shinny thing in the corner as I walks over to it seen a human as he looks familiar from years ago while I grabs him out and looks at him. as I looked him in the eyes deeply feeling a bit of A cornnection to him into he faints so I picks him up putting him over my shoulder taking him to my secret room. as when I get there I lays him in a makeshift bed I made. while I lays him in it and I watch him sleep for a moment into I left to find the night guard.

At shadow moon castle

Queen moon pov

I was looking all over the castle for my son learning he has dissapeared as I couldn't bear losing him almost 2 years after losing his father I looks all over the castle. as then I realised that he has run away as my heart breaks as I knew it was from the arranged marriage as Jean comes to me as he says. maybe we should look outside of the castle for him. he can't of gone far. I nodes agreeing as the guard's get my horse and jeans horse ready as when there ready me and him left.

At the horror attraction

No one pov

Shadow moon wakes up seen the creepy animatronic as shadow moon says. who are you. shadow moon looks at him as the creepy animatronic says. I'm springtrap don't worry your safe Shadow moon. shadow moon looks at him and says. how do you know my name. springtrap replies. I remember you when you were younger with your father. how is your father king sombra anyway. shadow moon looks away and says. my father dead he was killed in battle. springtrap puts his hand on shadow moon shoulder as springtrap says. I'm sorry about your father if you wish you can stay here. shadow moon nodes liking the idea of that as shadow moon says. thank you for this I sort of ran away and I don't want to go back. springtrap nodes understanding as it was becoming Morning as springtrap starts falling asleep as shadow moon lays him on the makeshift bed while he watches springtrap sleep. 

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