My House

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Knock knock

Knock knock


I opened the door to see Emily and her group of friends. "Hey giirll, lets party here today!"

I wasn't that surprised for this wasn't the first time she's done this. "Um sure but we're not inviting anyone else over."

"What! Please! I want Nathan to come over and I bet you want Jeremy over too." She gave me puppy eyes, and she knows I can't resist her puppy eyes.

"Ughhh, fiine. We can have nathan and Jeremy over. What about the boys? Are they busy today?"

We all moved to the living room, turning on the music and grabbing the stash to roll.

"Well Alec is hanging with his girlfriend at my house and shane was sleeping when I left."

My mouth instantly became dry when I heard Alec's name. "Okay so just Nathan and Jeremy?"


I pulled out my phone.

Hey, so I'm having a small party at my house and I was wondering if you and Nathan wanted to come over?

Well Nathan can't make it but I'm down, I'll bring some 'stuff'. Send me your address ;)

......Small time skip......

We were all dancing, drinking, smoking, being kids having fun when a knock at the door was heard.

I opened it and Jeremy was there with a bookbag on his back. "Hey."

I opened the door wider for him to come in. "Hey glad you could make it."

Emily saw who was here and jumped up and down. "Yaaay! Wheres Nathan?"

"Sorry he couldn't make it, but I brought supplies." He said has he handed her The bookbag.

She opened it and there was 1 bottle of coconut rum, 2 bottles of bacardi, and 1 bottle of Nikolai. She eyes lit up, she took the bag at ran to the living room.

We both laughed for a second. "Um I'm sorry about her, she is a natural party animal."

"It's okay so are my friends. Hey so I also brought some other stuff." He pulled out a gallon bag full of beautiful buds.

"Awe wow you really do know the way to my heart."

He laughed. "Well I'm trying"

I blushed and my heartbeat was slightly faster. We made our way to the living room.

We we're all having fun being kids when I leaned over to Jeremy, "hey do you wanna go smoke in my room?"

"Sure, why not"

I grabbed a bottle of Bacardi while he grabbed the bag. I lead him up the stairs to my room. I laid down on my bed while he stood in the middle of the room.

"You don't have to stand, you can lay down with me." I patted the other side of my bed.

He laughed and laid down next to me. I opened the bottle and took a swig before handing it to him. I also grabbed my bong from my bedside table. "Wanna smoke?"

"Is that even a question?" He said while handing me the bag.

After awhile of drinking and smoking we just laid down and talked about random stuff.

"Yeah, but like did she expect me to walk through the fucking wall?" I said while waving my hands in the air.

"I don't know, she was just being rude as fuck."

I turned my head and looked at him. He noticed and looked back at me. His eyes were undeniably beautiful, his whole face was gorgeous along with his tanned skin. It amazes me that he is here with me.

I decided to be bold. I turned on my side, moving closer to him. Taking my hand and placing it on his cheek, I moved my face toward his and met his lips. The kiss lasted a couple seconds when I pulled away, my cheeks red with embarrassment at what I did.

Jeremy however pulled me back in for another kiss. This time it lasted longer. It was slow and passionate as if he was tasting me.

My hands moved on their own, going through him hair, lightly pulling at the strands.

I could feel his hands roaming my body, caressing my thighs and rubbing my hips.

I moved my body so that I was straddling his hips. I could feel his bulge underneath me as I rolled my hips.

I pulled away from the kiss and arched my back as I continued to roll my hips, lust present in my eyes.

I was about to take off my shirt when the door opened.


Its been awhile since I updated, sorry:)
Hope you liked the chapter:))
It was kinda short and left on a hanger sorry🤷🏻‍♀️

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