paul mccartney

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i open the sippy cup again

genie: rude

me: sorry

genie: its ok who do you want to see next

me: paul mccartney

theres a bunch of flashing lights then i appear somewhere that looks very familiar

adams mom: uhh hi? is adam with you?

me: *startled* wait what where am i

adams mom: youre at our house

me: wait does paul mccartney happen to be here?

adams mom: *looks hella confused* umm.. no

me: oh .. *awkward silence* is adam here?

adams mom: i thought he was with you

me: no

adams mom: ill go check        ..        ok hes in his room

i go to adams room

adam: hi

me: ok quick question

adam: what

me: ok actually sorta long question

adam: im paul mccartney

me: wtf

adam: *rips off his face to reveal that he is actually paul mccartney*

me: wtf

paul: hi

me: wait wh

paul: ive been your neighbor for 15 years and u didnt notice

me: i- wait im so confused what just happened

paul: im paul mccartney

me: wait really

paul: yeah

me: can i hug u

paul: yes of course

i hug him

me: okay one question and i'll leave you alone

him: ask away

me: can you rap the humpty rap

him: y e s

him:   humpty dumpty sat on a wall
humpty dumpty had a great fall
all the kings horses and all the kings men
couldnt put humpty together again
lets rap
lets rap
do the humpty rap

me: that was the greatest thing ive witnessed only competing with the time when jeon jungkook rearranged my guts

paul: haha well thank you i guess

me: well i guess i'll go now

paul: okay

me: bye ada- i mean paul

paul: bye

i leave and go to my house which is next door

i open the genie

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