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Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night." Queen Luna said in the distance to her sister. "Bet I can guess what you're all thinking. Twilight is the absolute worst bride-to-be ever." Sunset said as she came up to them with her drink later that evening. Rarity, Applejack, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all gasped and stared at their friend. "Who, me?" Spike said in a high voice. "Spike! That was supposed to go on the cake! Quit acting like a baby and more like my husband." Applejack chided. The purple dragon laughed nervously, and put the figurine down. Sunset, darling whatever are you talking about? Twilight is an absolute gem!" The fashionista exclaimed. "Rarity, she was so demanding!" Sunset argued. "Well, of course she is! Why shouldn't she expect the very best on her wedding day?" the white unicorn countered. " Applejack, did you know that after she told you how much she just 'love-love-loved' your hors d'eouvres, she threw them in the trash?" the fiery maned unicorn asked. "Aw, she was probably just trying to spare my feelin's." AJ said. "No, she was just being fake and totally insincere!" Sunset stated. Well she did raise her voice at one of my birds during rehearsal." the yellow pegasus said softly. "See? Rude!" Sunset said But he was singing really off-key. the pink maned pegasus said softly as she held up the bird who sang off-key. "Pinkie Pie, you had to have noticed how Twilight treated–" Sunset started but stopped when she saw Pinkie Pie and Spike playing with the figurines for the cake. "Never mind. Rainbow Dash, you're with me, right?" Sunset asked hopefully. "Sorry, Sunny. Been too busy prepping for my sonic rainboom to pay much attention to the bride's bad attitude." the tomboy pegasus said. "Honestly darling, the princess is about to get married. I'm sure any negative behavior she might be displaying is simply the result of nerves." Rarity said. "And I'm sure it's the result of being an awful pony who doesn't deserve to even know Flash Sentry, let alone marry him!" Sunset retorted as she slammed her hooves down on the table. "Think maybe you're bein' just a tiny bit possessive of your brother Sugarcube?" AJ asked and the others murmured in agreement. The fiery maned unicorn growled and slammed her hooves down on the table again. "I am not being possessive, and I am not taking it out on Twilight! You're all just too caught up in your wedding planning to notice that maybe there shouldn't even be a wedding!" Sunset shouted before walking off.

later that evening

"Sunny! Your big brother's looking pretty good, don't you think? Huh. Everything okay?" Flash asked noticing his sister's sad expression. "We need to talk Flash. I think you're making a big–" Sunset started but was cut off by Twilight entering the room and clearing her throat. " Oh, uh, hi, sweetie." Flash greeted. "She sure has a way of sneaking up on people." the orange unicorn muttered to herself. "Could I speak to you for a moment, dear?" The alicorn asked ignoring Sunset. "Better see what she wants." the orange pegasus joked as he nudged his sister, before going to the other room to talk with Twilight. "Look, we need to talk." Princess Twilight said muffled. "Well ,I'm here to talk." Flash said his voice muffled. "It's about your sister, okay?" the alicorn said. " I– look, look, she's okay–" Flash started. "Just... listen to me, alright? No no–" Twilight said over Flash Sentry. " I'm listening, I'm listening." the pegasus said. "I thought I made it perfectly clear I didn't want you to wear that." Princess Twilight said. "This was your brother's, he wanted me to wear it." Flash argued. "And?" the lavenderish white princess demanded. "And I think I should wear it." Flash countered. "Are you disagreeing with me?" Princess Twilight demanded. "I guess I am– Ah!" Flash groaned. "Oh, dear. Are you getting another one of your headaches?" the lavenderish white alicorn asked. "Gyah!" Flash grunted as the princess of friendship lit her horn and aimed at his head. "Feeling better?" she asked sweetly. "Mm-hmm." He mumbled. "She isn't just unpleasant and rude. She's downright evil!" Sunset gasped as her eyes widened in shock, before she bolted out of the room. "Sunset!" Flash Sentry called out as he watched his little sister bolt out the door. "Let her go, dear." Princess Twilight said as she nuzzled against Flash Sentry. "Huh. It seemed like she had something else she wanted to tell me." Flash said confused. "Who goes there? Stay indoors, Sunset Shimmer." Sunset heard Queen Luna call out as she went to where her and her friends were staying and busted through the door. Guys, Flash Sentry's in real trouble! You have to help–" Sunset abruptly stopped herself and gaped at her friends. "Dresses? What are you–?" the fiery maned unicorn couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Can you believe it? We're gonna be Princess Twilight's new bridesmaids!" Fluttershy exclaimed softly as she walked up to Sunset. "New bridesmaids? What happened to her old bridesmaids?" Sunset questioned in disbelief. "She didn't say. But she did tell us that she would love-love-love it if we'd fill in for them." AJ said. "Seeing as we've been working so hard and everything..." Rarity said. "And you had your doubts about her sugarcube." the country pony chided. " I told you she was an absolute gem!" Rarity added. "Uh, Rarity you sure this is what I should wear? Doesn't seem all that aerodynamic." Rainbow Dash complained. "Hmm. I'll see what I can do." Rarity sighed as she and Rainbow walked off. "Looks like I really am on my own." Sunset sighed to herself as she hung her head and walked off sadly.

The following morning

"Perfect, girls. No need to rush. Then of course, Twilight will enter." Queen Cadence said as the doors opened to reveal Twilight, who then began to walk up the aisle. "I'll say a few words, and then we'll begin with the vows. Flash Sentry, you'll get the ring from your best mare." the queen of love said as she and Flash looked at Spike who was once again playing with the figurines. "Hey... has anypony seen Sunset?" Flash asked to nopony in particular. Suddenly the doors opened to reveal Sunset. "I'm right here! I'm not gonna stand next to her! And neither should you!" the fiery maned unicorn said as she trotted up to the altar. " I'm sorry everypony, I... I don't know why she's acting like this." Flash apologized. "Maybe we should just ignore her." Princess Twilight muttered. Please everypony, you have to listen to me!" Sunset pleaded. "Oh, goodness! Are you okay Sunset?" Fluttershy asked. "I'm fine Fluttershy." the orange unicorn assured. "Ya sure about that Sugarcube? Applejack questioned. "I've got something to say! Twilight's evil!" Sunset exclaimed. Everypony in the room gasped at Sunset's accusation. She's been horrible to my friends, she's obviously done something to her bridesmaids, and if that wasn't enough, I saw her put a spell on my brother that made his eyes go all wonky. Sunset said as she made her eyes go all wonky and teleported onto the altar. "W-Why are you doing this to me?!" Princess Twilight asked alarmed as she started crying before she ran out of the room crying. "Because you're evil!" Sunset accused. "Evil! And if I don't stop you, you're gonna ruin mine and my brother's life!" Sunset shouted at the princess' retreating form before she turned around with a triumphant smirk on her face and smacked in to her older brother. The fiery maned unicorn looked up at her brother and saw the angry look on her brother's face. "You want to know why my eyes went all wonky? Nuh! Because ever since I started having to protect the kingdom and get hardly any rest, I've been getting terrible migraines. Twilight hasn't been casting spells on me. She's been using her magic to heal me!" Flash yelled. Sunset gasped and raised her hoof. And she decided to replace her bridesmaids because she found out the only reason they wanted to be in the wedding was so that they could meet Canterlot royalty! And if she hasn't been on her best behavior with your friends, it's because with me being so busy, she's had to make all the decisions about the wedding!" the orange pegasus yelled angrily. "I was just trying to–" Sunset started. "She's been completely stressed out because it's really important to her that our big day be perfect! Something that obviously wasn't important to you!" Flash gasped before he stomped his hooves on the ground angrily. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and comfort my bride. And you can forget about being my best mare, Sunset. In fact, if I were you, I wouldn't show up to the wedding at all." Flash said angrily as he walked away and didn't look back at his younger sister. "C'mon, y'all. Let's go check on the princess." AJ said as she and the others left. " Queen Celestia, please I was–" Sunset tried to speak. "You have a lot to think about Sunset Shimmer." Queen Celestia said disappointedly as she left, leaving Queen Cadence and Sunset. Sunset looked up at the queen of love with tears in her eyes. "Sunset, do you honestly think that none of us here knows Twilight?" Cadence asked. "I wasn't thinking, I should have known better." Sunset said sadly. "Yes well I believe you know what you must think about. Now, I must go and comfort my sister-in-law." Cadence said before leaving the fiery maned unicorn to think. "Maybe I was being overprotective. I could've gained a sister. But instead... I just lost a brother." Sunset sighed as she began to sing softly.

He was my big brother, best friend


And now, we'll never do anything


Sunset looked up through her tears when she heard hoofsteps coming towards her and saw the lavenderish white alicorn above her stroking her fiery red and yellow mane. "I'm so sorry" Sunset said as she looked at the alicorn above her. Sunset's eyes widened as she saw the princess' eyes flicker from their normal color to that of snake's before the princess smiled evilly and lit her horn making green flames appear around the shocked unicorn. "You should be. " the princess said.


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