Royal Wedding Part 1

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"Queen Cadence cordially invites you to the wedding of Princess Twilight Sparkle and... My brother?" Sunset gasped. "Sunny! Ah, I've missed you, kid." Flash said. " How dare you not tell me in person that you were getting married!" Sunset said angrily. "A threat has been made against Canterlot again. Queen Celestia asked that I and King Shining Armor help provide additional protection." Flash said solemnly."But I'm still pretty ticked you're marrying somepony I don't even know." Sunset said. "Princess Twilight Sparkle is Twilight." Flash said chuckling. "Twilight is only the most amazing pony ever!" Sunset gasped. " I hope I'm not interrupting anything important." Princess Twilight demanded.Twilight, it's me! Sunset! Uh-huh." Twilight said uninterested. " And I think I should wear it." Flash retorted. "Are you disagreeing with me?" Twilight demanded. She's evil! I saw her put a spell on my brother that made his eyes go all wonky!" Sunset accused. "Twilight hasn't been casting spells on me. She's been using her magic to heal me! If I were you, I wouldn't show up to the wedding at all." Flash said angrily. "I just lost a brother. I'm sorry!" Sunset apologized. You should be." Princess Twilight said evilly.


"Hello? Is anypony there?" Sunset called out, her voice echoing. The unicorn curled in to her self as she heard a thud and then laughter. "Where am I?" the fiery maned unicorn asked scared. "The caves beneath Canterlot, once home to greedy unicorns who wanted to claim the gems that could be found inside. And now, its your prison. Princess Twilight said. "Help! Help!" Sunset cried out as she ran scared. " It's no use. No one can hear you. And no one will ever think to look for you, either. Most ponies have forgotten that these caves even exist, which is why they are the ideal place to keep the ones who try to interfere with my plans." Twilight said laughing. Sunset paused in her running when she heard that. "Plans? What plans?" Sunset questioned. "The plans I have for your brother, of course." Twilight said evilly. "Don't you dare do anything to my brother, you... you monster!" Sunset said protectively. "Only way to stop me is to catch me! Over here! Nope, over here!" Twilight teased as the unicorn blasted the rocks when suddenly one of the rocks shattered revealing a battered Princess Twilight. "No! Wait! Ugh! Please! Don't hurt me! Sunset, it's me! Please, you have to believe me. I've been imprisoned here again like you. The Twilight who brought you down here was an imposter." Twilight pleaded as she scrambled backwards. "Likely story!" Sunset said irritated as she pinned down the battered alicorn. "Sunshine, sunshine, butterflies awake. Clap your hooves..." Twilight began. "and do a little shake." Sunset said in realization as she and Twilight finished their old rhyme. "You remember me!" The fiery maned unicorn said happily as she hugged her favorite foalsitter. "Of course I do, Sunset. How could I forget the filly I love to sit for the most?" Twilight asked as she hugged the orange unicorn back, when suddenly both mares heard Queen Chrysalis' laughter. Sunset broke the hug and stood on a small incline. "We have to get out of here. We have to stop her!" Sunset said with determination.

with Queen Chrysalis in one of the chambers.

Queen Chrysalis

This day is going to be perfect The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small Everypony will gather 'round Say I look lovely in my gown What they don't know is that I have fooled them all!

Princess Twilight

This day was going to be perfect The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small But instead of having cake With all my friends to celebrate My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all

Queen Chrysalis

I could care less about the dress I won't partake in any cake Vows, well I'll be lying when I say That through any kind of weather I'll want us to be together The truth is I don't care for him at all No I do not love the groom In my heart there is no room But I still want him to be all mine

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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