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Now in Roxanna's Adventure{Baby in the picture is me}

{June 2009}

Roxanna's p.o.v

    Me and Jade are in the living room watching TV as Castiella sleeps.Jethro walks in from the basement after getting ready for work.

Jethro:Go another Meth Overdose.Gotta go.

We kiss.

Roxanna:Say goodbye to our daughter first.

Jethro:You know i will.

Jethro walks upstairs and i chuckle.

Jade:You two are such a great couple Roxie.You both are made for eachother.

Roxanna:"Smiles drinking her Coffee".Oh just how much i missed my Coffee.

Jade:'Laughs".Me and Rowena never go a day without it.Since i let her have her first sip of Coffee a few months ago.She's 15 going on college student.

Roxanna:"Laughs".How is she anyway?.

Jade:She's good.Already starting to be a pain in the neck though.

Roxanna:Things will get better once she get's older and more mature.

Jade:Okay kid expert.

Roxanna:I wouldn't say i'm an expert.

    Jethro walks down the stairs and kisses me again.

Jethro:But you are a damn good mom and Agent.

Roxanna:Come back safe you hear me?.

Jethro:As you wish."Leaves".

Roxanna:"Yells out the door".Okay Westley.

Jethro:Bye Buttercup."Get's in his car".

We laugh as he drives away.

Jade:Sometimes i wonder how you got him to read that book to you.

Roxanna:Once a book worm you turn others into one.

Jade:Yeah maybe that magic of your could help me with Rowena.

Roxanna:"Winks"'.I can try.

    As hours pass Jethro calls me from work telling me Tony and Tim confronted him on replacing Ziva.Telling him it's time to move on.I agree with them.Jethro said he put them in charge of finding a replacement.He mentioned to me no one heard from Ziva since she left.


    Jethro updated me on the meth ring telling me Petty Officer Dimarco is recovering.No one has replaced Ziva's position at NCIS while i'm on my 12 week Maternity leave.No one has heard from Ziva in 2 months.I've been worried about her wondering how she is doing.If she knows about me and Jethro's daughter being born on June 6th.Castiella has been growing bigger for a month old.Castiella likes to fall asleep being sang too.Me and Jethro have a system for everytime she cries.In the night time i check on her first and the second time she cries Jethro goes to her nursery checking on her.During the day Jade stays with me helping me around the house while Jethro works.Rowena stops by at night sometimes to see Castiella.Rowena is like a daughter to me.Since i've known her since she was born Rowena calls me her Aunt Roxie.


    For the past 42 days i've been stuck at home with Jade,Castiella and occasionally Rowena.The team stops by after work every few days to see Castiella.Me and Jethro have been enjoying the joys of parent hood.All though we don't always get a good night's sleep.Although i love my daughter very much i miss working at NCIS which has become a 3rd home to me.I have 6 more weeks of Maternity leave.When i go back to work Jade will be taking care of Castiella at her house until Me and Jethro come home.Rowena has been adjusting well with our arrangement's.Jethro called to tell me he has news for me when he gets home.My heart dropped knowing something.All i asked him was one word."Ziva?"...He replied with a "Yeah".Letting me know he will be home to see me soon.After that conversation i layed down on the couch crying.Jethro came home one day weeks later telling me they are gonna stop Saleem Ulman.Although i want to help the team i can't having my Maternity leave and not being ready to leave Castiella.


    Jethro came home from work telling me the case has taken a turn and that Saleem likes to have daily Caf-Pow.Tony and Tim have decided to go to the Sahara Desert.When they stopped by the house i hugged them telling them to come back safe or i will slap them.Jethro leaves with them.


Roxanna:You come back safe.Cas needs her father."Hugs and kisses him".

Jethro:I'm a Marine Sniper.I'll do everything in my power to come back safe to you both."Picks up Castiella from the crib".Hey there Goddess.I'm going on a trip.I'll be back."Kisses her forehead.


We all awe at her and Jethro.

Jethro:"Puts Castiella back in her crib".What?.


-Flashback ends-

     I get news Jethro,Tim and Tony are back and Ziva is alive and is with them.I grab Castiella leaving to NCIS.There we wait and the Elevator door's open as Ducky and Abby visit with Me and Castiella.We all look at the Elevator seeing Tim,Tony,Jethro and Ziva.Leon claps and so does everyone else.I rush over to Ziva hugging her and pull back.Abby hugs Ziva as Jethro takes Castiella from me holding her.Jethro puts an arm around me.

Roxanna:"Smiling".We have the family together again.

Jethro:"Smiles".I've been meaning to talk to you about that...How do you feel about being the 5th Mrs.Gibbs?.

Roxanna:"Gasps kissing him".Yes!.

    Everyone cheers as i hug Jethro and our daughter.

Ziva:"Smiling".She looks like the perfect combination of you both.

Roxanna:Castiella do you want to see your god mother Ziva?.


We all laugh.

{September 25th 2009}

    Me,Jethro and Castiella who's in her stroller all walk around Washington DC.We stop into a Jewelry shop.We look at rings and find a perfect Engagement ring.We buy it and Jethro gets down on one knee.

Jethro:Let's do this properly.Roxanna Terra Emery Jones.Will you be my Roxanna Gibbs?.

Roxanna:Yes you idiot.

Jethro:"Laughs putting the ring on her finger".

    We kiss when he stands up and everyone in the shop cheers.Then Castiella cries.Jethro picks her up smiling.

Jethro:Is that your way of saying congratulations?.


We laugh at our daughter's silliness.

Roxanna:This little family we have...I'd never have it any other way."Smiles".

Jethro:Wouldn't trade it for the world."Smiles".

Roxanna:I love you Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs.

Jethro:And i love you SSA Roxanna Terra Emery Jones.


We chuckle.

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