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{NCIS 7X02} {September 29th 2009}

    Me and Jethro are in the basement while Jade is with Castiella upstairs who is taking a nap.Jethro grabs his tap measure and we hear Ziva speak up.

Ziva:Hello Gibbs,Roxanna.

We look over seeing Ziva at the stairs.

Ziva"Walks down the steps".Your door was open.Jade is with Castiella.

Jethro:Usually is.

Ziva:"Sighs".I apologize for being late.The Navy Lodge i was staying at ran a surprise drill this morning so i just...

Jethro:"Walks over to a working bench".

Ziva:It' not Important.

Jethro:How are you?.

Ziva:I am fine...Gibbs.That is what i wish to speak to you about among other things.

Jethro and Me walk up to her.

Ziva:First of all I...Wanted to say...Thank you."Hands him a cloth wrapped with a small rope around it".Which Hardly seem's sufficient.Considering so I-It just called um...

Jethro:"Takes out a chisel from the cloth".It's an old Buck Mortise Chisel.

Ziva:That is not for rescuing me.That is for leaving me in Israel.You're probably wondering perhaps i rigged it to explode...

Jethro:No...I was thinking this is a really nice Chisel.

Ziva:When uh...You left me in Israel.I-I felt betrayed."Turns around".But I..."Turns to Jethro".I had a long time to think about things.Very,Very,Very long time.And you were right to leave me there.

Jethro:I know.

Ziva:Well the point is now i do too.I had forgotten who i could trust.We were a team and i would like that again.

Jethro:You need to talk to the Director.

Ziva:It is your blessing i came for.

    Jethro's phone rings Ziva sighs as he picks it up.

Jethro:"Into Phone".Yeah Dinozzo what do you got?.Uh-huh where?.Meet you there."Hangs up".

Jethro looks to Me and Ziva.

Jethro:Triple Homicide."To Ziva".You need to talk to Leon Vance.I already told him to expect you.

    Me and Jethro walk upstairs and i turn around and look at Ziva who is still standing in the basement.


Ziva:"Turns around".Yes?.

Roxanna:It's good to have you back."Smiles".I've missed you.I wished you could have been there the day Castiella was born.She was so tiny."Chuckles".Pictures are in my office upstairs across from the Nursery.I left them on my desk.

Ziva:"Nods".I am happy for you and Gibbs.For having a child and to soon to be married.

Roxanna:Thank you.

Jethro:Rox we gotta go.

Roxanna:Be right there.

    I look at Ziva and she gives me the signal to leave.I leave the basement and i go upstairs to Me and Jethro's bedroom.We get dressed and i go to the nursery kissing Castiella's forehead.

Roxanna:"Whispers".Mama loves you.

    Me and Jethro leave to the car after saying our goodbyes.

Roxanna:Leaving her is so hard."Pouts".

Jethro:I know.

Roxanna:If i wasn't such a workaholic Agent i'd stay with her.But i love our job.

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