Chapter 3

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Song- "Superheroes" by the Script

Recap: If you haven't guessed yet you should know Percy has kept a lot of secrets from them. he told Leo because he could relate. The thing is Percy was......

Percy was abused by his step-father from the young ages of 3 to 12. His mom knew nothing of it since he wasn't allowed to tell her. Smelly Gabe, as Percy was known to call him, threatened him by making sure he wouldn't hurt his mom if he didn't tell anyone. Not the police, not his non-existent friends, and definitely not his mom. It turns out that Gabe had said the same thing to Sally for years. They both listened to Gabe and they both paid for it.

After Percy ran everyone bombarded Leo with questions."Why did Percy run off?" Thalia had asked. "How come he looked so sad?" Jason questioned. All Leo could do was back away. Sooner or later he would have to explain. That "later" happened to be now,

" Leo, what happened to Percy when he was younger? We all know he told you. I have no problem with that, but we need to know, we're his friends too," Annabeth said.

" Guys, it is not in my ability to say things that aren't mine to say," Leo replied with a slight growl in his voice. " Ask Percy, if he wants too, he will tell you. I don't have permission to tell you."

" Actually Leo, I give you permission," Percy butted in in a quiet voice.

" Really Perce?"

" Yeah, go ahead Valdez."

"Ok, if you say so. Get ready guys, from the ages of 3-12 Percy was brutally abused by his step-father."

" What do you mean Leo? Paul is amazing, we've all met him," Thalia exclaimed.

"Not Paul Thalia, Gabriel Ugliano. Percy's first step-father. He was an alcoholic that was never sober and did lots of drugs. He didn't start hitting Perce until he was three. At the time his mom had been away at work and he was hungry. As he walked into the kitchen to grab some grub he saw Gabe drinking what looked like his tenth beer bottle. Gabe didn't like Percy "stealing" his food, so he decided to throw a beer bottle at him to make him stop. It hit Percy right in the back. The pain from the alcohol and the glass shards made him pass out. When he woke he was sitting in a pool of blood and Gabe was passed out on the couch. He limped to the bathroom and saw that Gabe had done some damage on his face and his whole body. His face was bruised and swollen and his chest, legs, and arms had cuts and bruises all over. That was the first time he was beaten by Gabe. Over the years it got worse and worse. Gabe started to stab him and whip him whenever he got a chance too. That is probably why Percy has a remarkable tolerance for pain. He learned to treat his wounds and cover up his bruises with his mom's makeup. So, if you ask Percy to do your makeup right now he'd probably do it better than an Aphrodite camper could ever do. One day when he was about five Gabe was extra high and did not like seeing Percy lying around in bed. He made Percy get up to get him and his buddies a couple of beers. Percy decided to be the sassy, sarcastic Percy we all know and love and reply with a simple, " Why should I?!" He knew it was the wrong move, but he thought all he would get was a major beating and cutting from Gabe. By this time he was used to it. Turns out Gabe was fed up with his antics and decided to take this abuse to the next level."

" What could be worse than stabbing and beating someone?" Annabeth whispered.

" This was the first of many times Percy got raped." Everyone gasped and looked at Percy, who was now staring at the campfire with a blank expression on his face.

" So that is why Percy is so respectful when with a girl. He doesn't want that to happen to anyone else. Oh, Percy?" Annabeth exclaimed.

" Yeah, your right Annabeth. That is why Percy is like that. His mom was and still is the light of his life. he would do anything for her and since no girl has broken his heart or beaten him in any way he stayed respectful towards them. When with men he tends to be kind and respectful until he finds a hint of evil and abusive-ness in them. Then he becomes the mean and merciless Percy only one of us has seen."

Percy Jackson's Past. (DISCONTINUED- UNLESS INSPIRED...)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ