Chapter 9

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I am so proud of my mom. She lived her whole life knowing she could die at any moment. Knowing any of their family could die at any moment. Even though I should resent her for not telling the truth, I don't for many reasons. One brings that she is my mother, and two being that I don't hold grudges. No matter how hard I try, I can't. Unless of course, they hurt my family. Then they are dead meat. But I do wish I didn't have this life. The life of always being on alert and always having to watch your backs. I kind of want to live a normal life. But if I had been born into a different family, I might've never met my friends, and have never met Annabeth, my Wise Girl. The love of my life. Without my mom and the prophecy that I've been through, I would have stayed the loner kid at my schools, the one with no friends and no life. That I wish upon no one.


I walked out of my apartment wondering how many times I would be caught in some big prophecy. Probably a lot considering how my life has been so far. Hopefully, this one won't lead to me fighting some divine god or goddess that is dead set on killing me. But, that is never the case.

"Hey Percy, do you have an idea of why you were chosen?" Hazel asked out of the blue. Huh, it looks like I zoned out.

"Uh, what?"

"Do you know why you were chosen to be the main guy for this prophecy? Pay attention next time Kelp Head," Thalia informed.

"Oh, actually I do. You know how in the list of Gods I am related to, Poseidon was not once mentioned. I believe since I am a son of Poseidon and he is the only god that hasn't had an affair with one of my family members, that makes me the most powerful.l I said as if it was obvious. Which it kind of was. Annabeth and everyone else looked kind of shocked, except Leo of course. He knew more about my past then Annabeth did. For good reasons of course.

"Why did I not think of that?!" Annabeth exclaimed.

"Maybe because you were overthinking the situation. The answer was right in front of you. Hidden in plain sight, one would say." I replied honestly. Annabeth, as well as most of my friends, looked like they were about to faint. Was it that hard to believe that I can be smart? Eh, who knows. "But don't get me wrong, your guesses could be right as well. We don't even know if I am right or wrong. We have to talk to Poseidon for that, only he knows whether we are right or wrong. So, how about we get going," I continued after a long pause. We had been standing outside the apartment complex for like 10 minutes. If we wanted to get to an audience with my dad. We would have to be quick. The palace gates close at 11:00 pm. It is 9:00 p.m at the moment. We have two hours to swim to the depths of the Mariana Trench, wait for permission to meet with my father, and then walk through the gigantic palace as well as it's gardens to get to the throne room. That is going to take a while.

Percy Jackson's Past. (DISCONTINUED- UNLESS INSPIRED...)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora