Chapter 8

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Song- "This Feeling" by the Chainsmokers

Recap: I thought they were nothing special about me, I'd always hoped that I wasn't because of the horrid ex step-dad. Looks like I was wrong...


I can't believe all Percy has had to go through. He shouldn't have to deal with all this pressure. I now know I was completely and utterly wrong to accuse him of causing Bianca's death. He didn't deserve it. I need to ask my father to show me what happened that night at the junkyard and what happened in Tartarus; the part that was hidden from us. But for now, I should tell them what I know about the prophecy. I heard one of the ghosts talking about a chosen one in the underworld. I hadn't known who it was, but now I do.

Before I spoke I looked at everyone's faces. They were all completely shocked. I decided to just get the Fates and have them travel us back to Camp. I prayed for them and we were flashed back. When we landed, I poured water on their faces to wake them up.

" Great now that you are out of that dam shocked trance you had going on, I have information that I acquired a while ago. I didn't know what it meant then, but I do now. " I said to them. I stared straight at Will's face. I had told him about this encounter right after it happened. I needed a second opinion. We had a silent conversation that got him to come to stand next to me.

" I was in the underworld doing my usual round for Hades when I came upon a group of ghosts in Elysium. They were talking about the chosen one, the Blood of Olympus. I stayed long enough to know that this chosen one, whom I now know is Percy, has a special family tree. Many of his maternal ancestors were sons or daughters of both Greek and Roman gods. That would explain why he is able to withstand more pain any godly attacks than most. We will have to go to Here to find out which gods, but I have a feeling one which gods were your mother's dad. I also know where you got that smile of yours." I smirked. Looks like we have to talk to Hera and Sally.


Wow, Nico's smarter than I thought. Not that he wasn't smart before, just he is more observant than most. I wonder where he is going to take us.


After the Fates took us back to the present, Nico and Hazel's shadow traveled us to meet with Hera and Sally. He called in a favor since she used him to start her little plan with Percy and I. She flashed to Sally's house so they could have a small chat.

We arrived at Percy's house and got right down to business.

"Mom, did you meet with Chiron before I was born?" Percy questioned with a determined look on his face.

His mom and Hera looked surprised by his direct question. She answered with an entirely truthful answer, "Yes, I did meet with Chiron. I wanted to know what kind of life you would have as a son of the Big Three. Plus, I hoped my past wouldn't affect your life. Looks like it did seeing as you are here talking to me about something that you shouldn't even know about. Damn the fates!" Dang, I didn't think Sally would actually curse. Round of applause for her." What do you mean by the past?" Annabeth questioned her. Nico had already mentioned how significant Sally's last would be to the prophecy, but now hearing what actually happened, it seems so surreal.

"My parents were demigods and my grandparents were descendants of demigods. Their parents were also legacies and demigods. Both Roman and Greek. So when you told me the story of your kidnapping I wasn't very surprised you were chosen and the leader. You were both Roman and Greek in so many different ways. When the gods found out, they didn't believe me. Zeus even threatened to zap me because of my "life". But when I asked Hera to look into my family line, they were thoroughly convinced. The ones that weren't were reassured by Hera. As you probably already know, I met with Chiron before Percy was born, he told Hera of his findings since she was the most appropriate god to meet up with. We also went to Poseidon to see if he knew any of this. Turns out he did and actually had a prophecy for this situation. It was fairly easy to interpret."

" So what it looks like you're telling us, is that you knew of Percy's mysterious past since you yourself were a part of it? That you were a legacy of Zeus knows how many gods." I questioned incredulously.

" Yup, and I actually do know how many gods I am a legacy of. I, as well and Percy, and a legacy of Zeus, Apollo, Aphrodite, Ares, Demeter, Athena, Hephaestus, Ares, Hades, Hermès, Eos, Helios, Apollo again, Hermès again, Aphrodite again, and Iris. Actually, Apollo, Hermès, and Aphrodite have been the most common ancestors in our family. Plus, as believe one of our ancestors was blessed by both Hera and Heston. I am actually not surprised," she was interrupted by Thalia.

"Wait wait wait, so your saying, Percy is related to all of by some minute measure?"

" Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. How do you think he got his god-like looks and strength? He could literally be a god. If he exerted enough power that is. You see inside Percy is a stupendous amount of hidden power that wasn't exactly meant to contain. It could be if he wasn't a son of Poseidon. As you know the sea doesn't like to be contained in it is rages and fights to get out. Percy is not an exception. And all of those talents he has, are from the godly blood in his system. And I know you all think he isn't smart, but if you look at all the things he's done in the war and for you, it is all carefully thought out, sure in school he isn't the smartest, but when fighting and making battle plans, he is your best shot. And I am not just saying this because I am his mother, I am giving you this knowledge from experience. My ancestors, we always put down for their ignorance when it comes to studies, but when in a war. They are practically a legend."

By the end of her mini rant everyone had guilty looks on their faces as well as pride knowing they knew such an amazing person. The only person who had none of those looks on his face as Percy himself. He was simply smiling at his mom with a loving expression on his face. His mom had to live knowing she was a legacy of all those gods, knowing she could be attacked at any time. He was proud of her strength. He gave her a hug and we got ready to leave. Annabeth made one last comment before we left for camp." Now we know who the Blood of Olympus is. All we have to do now is find out why Percy was not his mom or any of his other ancestors." 

Percy Jackson's Past. (DISCONTINUED- UNLESS INSPIRED...)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt