Chapter 12

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Song- "3 Nights" by Dominic Fike

A/N- This chapter is the start of their journey. Also random comment, I love my dog but he can be such an idiot. Do you know how many times he has run into the screen door in my house out of excitement. Today he ran into my backyard gate chasing an invisible animal. Seriously there was nothing there. I checked..... thrice.

The Oracle of Delphi was as messy as always. Rachel was in her cave painting the walls when we arrived. She looked up groaned.
"Percy what the hell did you do now?"
"Nothing....well this actually wasn't my fault. You see I am like the Blood of Olympus and I have the blood of every major god on Olympus. I was destined for centuries to have a hard life and now I need to go on another dam quest to determine what the gods and Fates must do with me. Should they kill me as they so want to or do I become one of them or some other B.S that I am so done with,"
I ranted to Rachel and she listened. The others had gone to their cabin to get some rest before I choose who comes with me on this wretched quest.
"Well it sounds look you need a prophecy. Yes but please tell me Delphi is still giving you the silent treatment. I really don't want to do this,"
"Suck it Jackson, we can make her give a prophecy," I heard the Fates speak from above me. Their figures slightly translucent from their new form of iris message the gods now used. They can just make a hologram of themselves using a simple spell Hecate made for them. It is actually pretty cool but creepy as well cause there is no warning. They just pop up.
"No no no, don't you dare. When you make me sprout prophecies  it hurts," Rachel's eyes glowed green when she said this. Almost like the spirt of Delphi was speaking through her. Unlike with the prophecies this voice was smooth and high. I think it was how the original oracle sounded before she was cursed.
"Woah what happened," The real Rachel spoke once the green and the Fates disappeared.
"I think Delphi spoke through you, except this was actually her real voice. No the nasally one we get when you sprout-
"Travel north towards the village
One must stay to calm the rage
While 2 must continue the trek the path
Prophecy spills, new companion comes
In the end, fate prevails"
Rachel cut me off with a prophecy. This time she didn't fall over she sunk to the ground with a couple bruises on her arm and face.
"Rach you ok,l I knelt before her and summoned some water from from the humid air. I let it circle above her and slowly let in sink into her skin. Her body had a green aura around it before it died down and she regained consciousness.
"Skata, I hate the fates. What did the prophecy say?"
"Travel north towards the village
One must stay to calm the rage
While 2 must continue the trek the path
Prophecy spills, new companion comes
In the end, fate prevails"
I recited. She sighed and I lifted her off the ground and set her on her bed. She lived in the cave during the summer and went to Goode with me and Beth during the school year.
I left her to rest before seeking out my quest mates. I decided to go with my Wise Girl of course and Reyna. I wanted her to take a break from her Praetor duties. The last of octavian's followers were giving her hell and Frank was doing his best to take care of them but it still wasn't going well. I wanted to beat them up, but as honorary Praetor I wasn't allowed to beat up campers unless challenged. And no one would challenge me. They ran away when I walked by. So unfair. Point is she needs a break. They only mess with Reyna so Frank can handle it.
"Reyna, can I ask you something."
I spoke when I arrived in the arena. She had just finished sparing with Nico. She of course won. Nico had stalked off pouting and muttering about how he was the ghost king and how no one beats him up. Reyna was laughing at him when I spoke.
"Oh hey Percy. What is it you want?"
" I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me on the quest. It would be me you and Annabeth?"
"Yeah sure, I need a break any way. What did Rachel say?"
"I will tell you in a second, let's go talk to Chiron and the rest of the counselors."
"Okay let's go."
***Time Skip****
" Ok we know the Prophecy and it sounds like no one dies. You and your chosen two may head north using Pegasus and boats. I am sure Percy can snag one," Chiron spoke after I recited the prophecy.
"Is Chiron telling kids to steal!"
"No way, Chiron are you sick?" The Stolls exclaimed.
"I got this from you Travis, your sickness is contagious." Chiron retorted before dismissing us to start packing.
The three of us separated. Reyna walked off to the Athens cabin where she was staying while Wise Girl and I made our way to my cabin. She had already packed he bag, knowing we would never be separated. Not again.
"Okay seaweed brain. I made a list of things you need.
Mortal money
Water bottle
Dimension backup
Walking stick
Okay you haven't lost you dimension back pack right. We won't be able to fit what we need in it." She listed off while I gathered the things.
" I didn't lose it Owl face I have it right here. I will also need my special liquid. I can make armor with it. Easier to travel with portable armor isn't it,"
"Your right Seaweed Brain. Now let's collect Reyna and the Pegasi."
"Ok meet you at Thalia's pine. You get Reyna and I will get Blackjack, Porkpie, and Guido."
I walked towards the stables. We only needed them for a quick ride to the Manhattan docks so I only brought sugar cubes.(A/N Not sure if the docks are a thing I just made it up)
"Hey could I borrow Blackjack, Guido, and Porkpie?" I asked the stable manager. It was Katie's turn to work the stables.
"Sure Perce, go on in. Obviously the Pegasi won't attack," I nodded and smiled at her before walking in.
"Blackjack! Hey I need a favor. Can you, Guido, and Porkpie take us to the docks. We are on yet another quest."
"Seriously boss, I am a okay with taking you and your friends somewhere, but another quests. Man do the gods hate you,"
"You don't know the half of it, now can the others come or not?"
"Guido can, but Porkpie can't. She is pregnant with Euadne's child. Euadne could come with though,"
"Ok and make sure you call me when she has her baby. I want to see the cutie,"
"Of course boss. Now let's rock and roll,"
*****Time Skip*****
" Hey guys I could get Blackjack and Guido, but Porkpie is pregnant and her husband agreed to go. This is Euadne,"
"Woah, he's beautiful," Reyna spoke in awe. She looks like she fell in love.
Euadne trotted up to Reyna and nuzzled her hand. It looks like they bonded. Reyna has been missing Scipio. Let's hope Euadne helps her heart.
"Looks like Reyna wants to ride on Euadne, Guido you okay with Annabeth,"
"Of course, I am not like my patron. I accept everyone who treats us right. Annabeth is a wise, respected demigod. She is allowed to ride me anytime,"
"He says of course and that he isn't like Poseidon. He respects you and stuff. Basically  he says you can ride him,"
"Thank you Guido. Your awesome," Annabeth spoke while petting his soft hair.
"Now let's bounce,"

A/N- Sorry this took so long. Writer's block is a pain in the ass. I will try my best to update my other stories as fast as I can.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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