Sneak Peak on Chatper 1

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He grabbed my hand and lead me to the stairs. Once we got on the second floor, he let go of my hand and showed me my room. "This is where you will be staying," he said giving me a faint smile.

I nodded my head and went into the room. I stared at the room in awe. With pale blue walls, creamy colored carpets, the room was huge. There was a corner where a flat screen tv hanged, with black leather couches, and a fireplace with a coffee table in the middle.

I felt hazel eyes stare at me. I turned around see Nathan meeting my gaze. All of the sudden, a crash and a scream echoed through the now silent house. Footsteps were coming up and in the blink of a eye, Nathan was gone.

Great. Just great.

I took my bag that was sitting out in the hallway. I placed it on the bed and went straight to the bathroom. I took off my hood from my sweatshirt, and my brown wavy hair fell from my messy bun. I tried to smile. But nothing could get me to smile right now.

I sighed and looked at the beautiful bathroom right before my eyes. After an hour of showering, I took a fluffy towel from the nicely rack and wrapped it around my body.

My damp hair clanged to face like a sponge. I walked out of the bathroom and went to the bed to find something to swear. I pulled out black sweat pants and a red tank top with my underwear and bra. I started to get dressed when I heard a yell from downstairs.

"Charlie! Dinners ready!"

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