Chapter 1 | Moving In

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Movin In

New York City, New York

Prey: Charlotte


2:19 pm

I woke up with a joint. The traffic noise woke up up. I groaned and sniffed my hair. Garbage. My hair was smelly as usually. I live on the streets for a year now. I ran away from my old home. I was a foster child. But I was kept clean and tidy. My foster family was wonderful. Shocker, huh? You would ask why did you run away?  Their eldest son was the reason that had me on the streets.

I'm seventeen years old and I'm not a virgin anymore.

Shocker right? Maybe not. With this fucked up society, it's not a surprise anymore. 

Just one night could change it forever. I missed him, dearly. But I had to move on. For my sane.

I dragged my feet to my bag and looked inside. I took out my jacket and walked around town. I was homeless but not broke. I'm grateful for being alive and well.

As I turned the corner, I saw the bus stop and waited for the bus to come through. Right on time, The bus rounded over the corner on my left. I took a step inside, used my bus pass and sat down. After a few minutes and stops, a lady in a suit came in and sat next to me. I smiled to be polite and she smile back.

After ten minutes in silence, she turned to me and asked, "Are you Charlotte?"

For some reason I nodded and her grin grew wider. "Well my name is Leona Brittany Gable. And I work with child service. And it seems I'm supposed to find you can take you to your new home."


She continued. "Your family has been searching for you but we do not know where they are or who they are so we'll put you in temporary home. Does that sound fine?"

I nodded again.

"Good. This is my stop. Come." She got up and I just stayed sitting for a moment.

Thinking, 'Go you idiot!'

'Ever head of stranger danger?!?!'

'You do want a home right?'

'Shut up.'

'You asked!'

I got up and follow Leona. She walked into this large building. I was gapping at it until she called my name. We went inside and into the elevator before she greeted a redhead at the front desk. She pressed the top floor and we rode in silence.

"Take a sit," she said. And that's where I knew my life changed forever.


Miami, Florida

Prey : Charlotte


6:16 pm

The plane landed right on time.

Before arriving, I met Mrs. Patterson. A tall women who looked like Kim Kardashian to me personally but now with the annoying voice and stupid actions. Carly dressed like any mom would dress in. A white summer dress with simple black flats.



I was seated into the cream couch in front of the window showing the city of New York.

Searching For Charlotte >> ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now