Strawberries & Cigarettes by Troye Sivan

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"I'm just going to the library! I need to study for a test that's coming up!" I yell to my mom who is in the kitchen.

I fix my hair for the hundredth time and grab my backpack.

"Make sure you eat something, and you better be back before 10:00," My mother yells back to me, and I silently roll my eyes.

"Of course, bye," Before I can get a reply, I'm out the door. My heartbeat quickens, and I wait a couple seconds to make sure my mom isn't watching me. I jog over to my backyard fence, and look back over at my house for good measure.

Come on, just hurry up.

Jumping over a fence with a backpack on is harder than I thought it would be, but I manage. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins, and I sprint across the empty field. A couple blocks later and I can finally see him leaning up against his car.

Ugh, he's so handsome.

He has a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, and even from here I can see his bright blue eyes twinkle under the street lights. When he sees me jogging towards him, a smile blooms on his face. He flicks the cigarette to the ground, then presses the small object with the toe of his shoe.

"Why do you have your backpack?" He asks when I arrive by his side.

"Let's just say my mom still doesn't know that she will never be having grandchildren," I tell him, and he looks at the ground.

"You... Still haven't come out to her?" He seems hesitant.

"Yep," I tell him honestly, and drop my backpack on the sidewalk. As I lean up against the car I see Jeremy pick up my backpack for me.

"Oh, you don't have to do that,"

"I want to," He has the cutest grin on his face, and I can't help but smile back gratefully.

"Are you ready for an adventure?" I laugh when Jeremy tickles the side of my stomach, and I nod. He goes to open the passenger door for me, but it doesn't budge. When he pulls the pockets of his black jeans inside out, I let out a groan.

"Where are your keys?" I sound like an angry mother, but Jeremy just glares at me.

"I accidentally locked them in the car," Jeremy mumbles, and I cross my arms with a small grin on my face.

"Do you think this is funny?" He teases me, and my smile spreads across my face.

"Maybe," Now it's my turn to mumble, and Jeremy just shakes his head at me.

"You wound me," He says dramatically, but it just makes me laugh.

When he takes his phone out of his back pocket, I give him a confused look.

"Who are you going to call?" I ask him out of curiosity.

"A taxi, we still have an adventure waiting for us,"

"Where are we going?" I jump up and down in the seat excitedly, and Jeremy smiles down at me.

"I'm not telling you, it's a surprise," I groan as my impatience bubbles to the surface.

"You know I hate surprises," The taxi driver turns down an unfamiliar road, and I look out the window for more clues as to where we are going.

"You can't possibly know everything that will happen in your life. Fate will guide you into good places. It'll be worth the wait, I promise," He smiles and takes hold of my hand, then rests our intertwined fingers on his knee.

He's so perfect.

I don't say anything for the rest of the car ride. I simply enjoy the company of the amazing boy next to me. His cologne smells so nice, and I hope one day he'll let me wear his jacket. The warmth from his hand melts my heart, and I know his jacket would have the same effect on me.

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