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Achilles dispatched his last two Trojan soldiers, turning his back to the wall that surrounded troy. He watched herdispatch more of Agamemnon's soldiers. He noticed that his men preferred to fight the Trojans, but that didn't stop the Amazons from engaging the Myrmidons in battle. They were relentless cutting down two of his men, Laugonus and Menippus. He should be full of hatred over their death. He felt sadness insteadat their loss but pride that they'd died in battle, earning a warrior's burial.He would deal with those but right now his focus was on her; Queen Penthesileia.

She was magnificent, a true Queen. Her armor proclaimed her station and parentage; greaves fashioned of pure gold. A rainbow radiant corset, a scabbard of ivory and silver, a shield of unearthly splendor; her helmet bright with a wild mane of golden glistening hairs, her flaming mail resembled lightening. A pair of javelins in her shield hand and a large, sharp halberd in her right hand. She was a true daughter of Ares. She was fluid, quick and deadly and he wanted her.

Watching her, he formed his plan. Shouting for Eudorus, he instructed him to call the Myrmidons back. He knew that the moment Odysseus and Ajax noticed the myrmidon halt, they would follow suit and send messengers to collect the dead.

He watched the Amazons follow suit as well. Good! As blood thirsty as they were, they knew when to call a halt. He realized as they each cared for their dead, that Amazons had the least number of casualties. They'd lost just  one single soldier...amazing. They were excellent warriors. But that would not stop he and his men from their victory.


Penthesileia walked out onto the parapet wall, trying to escape noise of the burial and victory celebration. They'd managed to take control of troy's walls once again and the siege was over for the moment. She'd received absolution for her sister's death from King Priam but she still felt empty. The only stir of excitement she felt these last days was on the battlefield. The stirring increased once she'd spied Achilles. He was unmatched on the field and handsome above all others; incredibly tall, bronzed and strong beyond belief. He fought like the son of the gods he was. She like all Amazons knew his lineage; his mother Thetis, the most powerful of the sea nymphs was daughter of the sea gods Nereus and Doris and granddaughter to the Titans Oceanus and Pontus. The blood of gods ran through his veins as thickly as it did hers. Her father Ares, son of Zues, grandson of the Titan Cronus, nephew of the Titan Oceanus and cousin to Thetis. Perhaps that was why she was drawn to him.

"Penthesileia ?" Prince Paris called out quietly as he moved to stand behind her. She was glorious in a ebony gown that could have only been made for her and her alone. The brilliance of the fitted gown drew him as it did all the men there.

"Yes, Paris?" She turned to face Troy's future king. He was a very handsome man, if a little week. His brother, Hector had been the champion warrior. That was until Achilles had killed him. She'dseen Hector's prowess on the battlefield once before. She wished she'd had thechance to challenge him in open combat this time. She would have won of coursebut it would still have been a worthy challenge.

"You aren't enjoying the celebration?" Paris asked. Like most of the Trojan men, he found the Amazons both intimidating and desirable. Some had let the desirable factor win out and approached the women. While a few of the Amazons had been open to their approach, most were not much to their disappointment and embarrassment.

"I'm enjoying it well enough. I just needed a little peace." Penthesileia replied, smiling. "Did someone want me?"

Paris Smiled, "I'd say more than a few want you. The Trojan men are bewitched by you and your soldiers." Reaching forward, he snagged an ebony curl. "To be honest, I'm not sure if it's because of the Amazons beauty or your prowess on the battlefield." As if in a trance he leaned forward to capture her lips.

The Forbidden Love of Achilles; Achilles and PenthesileiaWhere stories live. Discover now