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Achilles stood staring at Briseis, so sweet and uncomplicated. He'd released her long ago but yet she still remained in the Myrmidon camp. He wished he hadn't hurt her so. But Leia had captured his soul from the first moment he'd laid eyes on her, without even trying. Briseis deserved a better life and he knew no other way then to send her home; by force if necessary.

"Breseis." His voice soft with sorrow.

Briseis knew what was coming, even before she looked up and read it in his eyes. "You're sending me away."

Why lie, "Yes" reaching out he took her hands in his. Looking down into her eyes, he continued "It is time for you to go home. This is no life for you."

Snatching her hands away, she stepped back. "But it is a life for her, is that it?"

"Yes it is, she's a warrior. But this is not about her." He answered

"Oh but it is most certainly about her, Achilles! It has been, since the moment you laid eyes on her. From that moment on, I became nothing." Breseis allowed the tears to fall...tears of heartbreak and anger. "You stopped coming to my bed days before you brought her here. I watched you plan to take her. So don't tell me this isn't about her!"

"Briseis! You had a home...a life! Do you not miss that? Your family?" Moving away he stared out at the sea now black in the darkness. "Don't you miss your family? They love you."

Glancing from the corner of her eyes at his still figure, she whispered brokenly. "I love you. Why can't you love me?"

Shutting his eyes against the hurt he heard, "I'm so sorry Briseis. I never meant to cause you pain of any kind. I thought I could love you but I realize now, that it wasn't love; it was comfort." Moving back to her, he gathered her in his arms, laying a gentle kiss against her soft hair, he spoke against the dark curls. "I want you to go home now and lead the life you were meant to."

"I want to stay here! Here with you!" Sobbing she continued. "I'm meant to be here!"

"No!" Shaking her, Achilles tried to force understanding. "Your world was one of religious servitude. How can you turn away completely? I am a man of war. My life is not the life you should lead." Laying another kiss upon her head, "You must return to Troy, where you are loved and missed."

"Will you miss me?" Grasping the soft blue material of his shirt, she continued to sob. "Won't you miss me...even a little bit?"

"Yes, I will miss your gentleness and kind spirit most of all." Lifting her wet face to his, he laid a soft kiss upon her lips. "Good bye, sweet Briseis. Forgive me." He turned slowly and walked away, leaving a heart broken and sobbing woman.


Achilles sat rubbing Penthesileia's legs and feet as she lay across their bed. "Are you feeling better?" He was worried; she had been sick for the last three days; almost collapsing this morning. He was on the verge of calling for the physician but Penthesileia had stopped him.

Sitting up, Penthesileia smiled, reaching out to push an escaping strand of hair behind his ear. "I feel much better."

"Are you sure you don't need a doctor?" Achilles bent to kiss the top of her foot.

"Oh yes I'm sure. I feel much better now anyway so there's no reason to send for him." Penthesileia moved her feet, pulling them from his lap so that she could kneel behind him. Kissing his neck and shoulders she whispered, "I don't need him now, but we may need him in a few months time...though I'm sure I can do it by myself with you here." wrapping her arms around his neck, hugging him close.

The Forbidden Love of Achilles; Achilles and PenthesileiaWhere stories live. Discover now