Chapter three - bits and pieces

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"Open up!"

I knocked on the door for the third time already.

I refrained from knocking again when I heard a clack of boots behind the door.
A moment later, the rattles and clicks of multiple locks sounded and the door flung open.
I stumbled in, past the woman who opened the door.

"What's got you all worked up?"

The woman said. I looked at her properly for the first time; bleach blonde, crimson stained lips, spiked leather boots, and a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"I'm looking for Zona."

"She's busy."

"Fine, I'll look for her myself ."

The woman rolled her eyes. "upstairs, in the cage."
I have her a nod, and disappeared up the narrow stair case. The cage is where the collection desk is, where the money is stored amongst other goods.

The room was guarded with a thick bolted door, and decked with all sorts of security equipment. I press the buzzer by the side of the door, and a voice crackles out of the speaker.

"Who is it?"


After a moment, Rick opened the door and I followed him inside. He retreated to a card littered table where Boots sat too.

The room itself was very simple. Rows of safes lined the walls, and in the middle was an old pine desk and a tatty cushioned chair in which a figure sat.
Her sleek black hair gleamed, with highlights of dull gold caught from the dim glow of a single light bulb, that limply hung from the centre of the ceiling.
Her head was hung low, her face in the shadows.

I cleared my throat.

Zona looked up.

"What?" She growled.

Despite knowing Zona for years, I still find her intimidating. She has never once given a compliment, and any glimmer of affection is given so subtly, it's barely noticeable.
She either tolerates, or strongly dislikes. Nothing in between.

"I came to give in my money for the week"

There was an awkward pause.

"Well? Come on then, why are you just standing there?"

The sudden volume of her voice made me jump, and I found my hands shaking as I rummaged through the contents of my bag.

My hands stopped rummaging, my eyes stopped searching, my breathing stopped. Time itself seemed to stand still.

My current situation had just worsened on so many levels.

The money wasn't there.

"What? What is it girl?" Zona's clipped tone snapped me out of my light headed state.

"The money is gone."

"What do you mean it's 'gone'? Did you spend it?" her tone was accusing

I shook my head

"Lose it?" her eyes darkened

I shook my head again.

"Did someone mug you?"

"W-Well not exactly, I..."

"Not exactly!" her palms slammed down on the desk. I flinched. "What variations are there of getting mugged, Matilda? As far as I know, there are none."

She nodded to Boots and Rick, who stood up to leave without hesitation. Boots patted me on the head, and Rick mouthed a good luck. They both received a disapproving glower from Zona.

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