Party fail

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~In Bella's bed~
I'm in a field with Bella and we see grandma and another old lady my skin color. Then we look over to the left and see Jasper then Edward comes out they start walking towards the light
"Jasper no they'll see you"
"Hey Edward what are you doing" they don't listen can keep walking
"I'm convinced you're both stupid"they don't answer we just keep walking until we stop in front of them
"Who are yo-" i start to ask but see her move her lips with mine
"It's us" Bella said
"Happy birthday darlin"
"Happy birthday Bella"
Then we wake up
"Why the hell was I in your dream, cuz that sure as hell wasn't mine"
"I don't know,maybe it's twin telepathy"she said
"I don't see why not. We're dating vampires"
"True"then dad comes in
"Happy birthday"
"I thought we agreed no presents" Bella said
"Well mine isn't wrapped so it doesn't count"he said handing Bella a camera and me a new charm for my bracelet
"Oh this is actually a good one thank you dad"Bella said
"Thank you"
"These are from your mom"he hands Bella a scrapbook and me the new shoes I wanted
"Oh my gosh this is amazing and I have just the right out fit for it"I look down
"Involving this shirt"(neon paint splatters)

 We're dating vampires""True"then dad comes in "Happy birthday""I thought we agreed no presents" Bella said"Well mine isn't wrapped so it doesn't count"he said handing Bella a camera and me a new charm for my bracelet "Oh this is actually a good o...

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(The shoes)
"You guys are getting so old"
"It's not that old"
"Are you sure I think- is that a grey hair"he says to Bella
"You too"
"What no way"we get up and look in the mirror  and he starts laughing
"Very funny" Bella says
"I'm gonna go get dressed"Then walk to my room
And throw on some overalls and my new vans literal a five seconds the go back to Bella's room
"How are you done already"
"I literally just threw on some overalls. I still have to brush my teeth and put my hair up"
"Well you look nice"
"Thank you, put the blue jeans on with the long sleeve and black converse"I smile then close the door
"Thank you"she yells
"You're welcome" then I go in the bathroom and start my morning routine.
We get our the truck and I sit on it.
"Where for art thou Bella"mike said
"R and j assignment"
"Oh yeah. Hey can you guys pose for a picture,my mom wants me to make a scrapbook"
"Yeah sure"they say and start posing
"Oh I take the pictures,I'm not in them"
"Today you are" Erick says pulling her in
"You'll photoshop this if my nose look to big right"
"They'll all be looking at me not you don't worry" they pose and Bella takes it
"Oh look here comes Hale and Cullen"Erick says
"Yay"Jessica said we turn around to see our boyfriends walking over to us
"Happy birthday"
"Happy birthday darlin"
"Don't remind me"we say
"Your birth is definitely something to celebrate" Edward says
"My aging isn't"
"That's not what I was gonna say"I said pointing to Bella looking at Jasper and he chuckles
"You're aging,I think eighteen is a little young to start thinking about that"
"It's one year older than you" she says
"No it's not. I'm one hundred and nine"
"that's creepy"
"I'm one hundred and thirty,we're worse"
"You're right, maybe we shouldn't be dating such old men bells"
"Yeah we should be creeped out"
Then we kiss. Bella and Edward pull apart first
"We have to get to class" Jasper pulls away
"He's right"
"Okay" me and Bella say
"Wait, someones here to see you both"Edward says they move so we can see
"I'll be over here" Jasper says walking Edward behind him
"Bella,Remi" We look to see
"Jacob,hello biceps.You know anabolic steroids are really bad for you"we say
"Just fillin out. You know it wouldn't seen so drastic if we hung out more"
"You should switch schools, come hang out with the pale faces"
"And me" I say making them chuckle "I'm good,I prefer the red schools exclusivity. They let anyone old riffraff in this place"
'Should I punch him'
'As much as I would like to see that,no'
'You're no fun'
'You haven't seen me have fun'
'Can vampires get drunk'
'Where did that even come from'
'I don't know'
'You are a very strange person Remi'
'Thank you,I try' I look over to him and smile then look back
"I heard something about a motorcycle"
"Yeah I was just buying another pice for it, you should take a ride when it's done"
"Is it fast"I ask
"Uhh it's decent"he says making me laugh
"Hey, happy birthday"
"Oh thank you" we say
"I got you guys something"
"A dream catcher for Bella and come over here" we walk to where he came out from
"bow and arrows for the crazy one" I take it from him and point it at him
"You really shouldn't give someone a bow and arrow if you call them crazy,rookie move"
"I surrender,I'm sorry"
"You may move"he does and I shot it
"This is amazing really,thanks Jacob"
"No problem, don't kill anyone with that, you know what I'll take it for now and give it to your dad"
"Leave before she chases you" he does  and we walk back to them
"Can you go run and get that please"
"No ma'am,I cannot"
"Very mature" he said smirking
"We're gonna be late,come on" Edward said we walk in and make our ways to class before Alice jumps over the rail and Sebastian walks down the stairs
"Remi! Bella! Happy"
"Birthday, here"
"I thought we said"
"Uh uh uh you'll wear it at your birthday party tonight and guess what you love it"
"Party" we ask looking at our mates
"Come on please" I feel like cooperating
"Okay" we start walking But I stop and look at Jasper giving him a pointed look
"Did you just mood control us"
"No fair Jasper"
"Alice kept bugging me to help,sorry"
"Bella our class is that way" Edward said
"And ours is up there"
"I wish we had an elevator" then we head to class
We're in English and Jasper's playing with my bracelet then some of my cut shows he pulls it back more
"I don't like these"
"I know,but I haven't done it since I've been with you"
"I'm glad, you're to beautiful to have such ugly scars on you" disbelief
"I know you don't believe it but you're getting there and you look adorable today" I put my hand flat under my chin and put my head on it smiling at him. He smiles and kisses my head
"They are so cute omg"we heard some girls say
"I wish someone looked at me like that"
"How many times a day to you hear that"
"A lot from everyone except a few and the girls way more than anyone"I look at him,then look down smiling then sent him a wave of love
"I love you too"
We're at the Cullen house and guess what,I'm in a freaking dress AGAIN
Alice is straightening  my hair and I don't know how to stop messing with it. I see Jasper walk in
"How do I look"
"You look beautiful. It's very long"
"I know,it feels weird"
"It's time,it's time,it's time" Alice says skipping in the room with Bella and dragging me along when we get go the bottom of the stairs everyone stares at us smiling
"Sorry about all of this, we tried to rain Alice in"Carlisle said hugging us
"As if that's even possible,happy birthday girls"
"Thanks"we say then there's a flash
"I found it in your bag,mind"Alice asked and Bella shakes her head no
"Dating an older woman,hot"Emmett said to Edward Everyone looks at him weird
"You first Rosalie"
"It's a bracelet and necklace"she said handing the smaller box to me and the longer one to Bella
"Thanks Rose"she smiles at me
"Yeah thanks"she nobs Alice pulls Jasper and Edward over to us
"Show me the love"She takes the pictures and a few of Bella and I together(they stand in front of the table they're about to be pushed in)then hands Bella a box
"This ones from Emmett,for both of you"
She shakes it and it's nothing in there
"An empty box,nice"
"I already installed it in your truck,finally a decent sound system for that piece of"
"Hey,don't hate on the truck"we say making everyone chuckle
"Sorry" he said smirking
"Open Esme and Carlisles" she hands us boxes
"It's something to brighten your day"
"You've been looking kinda pale lately"Esme said to Bella as we're opening them Bella cuts her finger.Everyone looks at Jasper
"Ow paper cut"I pull her behind me as Jasper starts to run at us making Edward push us back into a wall and Jasper into the piano.he gets back up and runs towards us again but Emmett holds him back
"Jaz jaz hey,it's okay it's just a little....blood" they all look at us Carlisle flashes towards us and holds his hand up telling Emmett to leave the room
"I'm sorry,I can't" Alice says leavening everyone else follows
Edward stays behind looking at us
"Edward go,you're the only person he'll listen too"
'I'm so sorry Rem,I didn't know what else to do'
'It's okay Ed I know you were trying to protect us,go we'll be fine' he nods and leaves
~in Carlisles office~
"We never wanted to have a party"Bella says making Carlisle chuckle
"It's not your fault, Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us"
"How do you do it"I ask
"Years and years of practice"
"And you didn't even choose it,that must be hard"I say
"Like everything else in life,I had to decide what to do with what I was given"
"Did you ever think of doing it the easy way"Bella asked as he finished up on her and started on me
"No,I knew who I wanted to be. I wanted to help people,it brings me happiness. Even if I am damned regardless"
"Dammed?"I asked He doesn't say anything just looks at me and keeps working on my arm
"Carlisle you couldn't be deamned,it's impossible"bella says
"She's right"
"Thank you girls, you've always been so gracious about us. By all other accounts we are damned,but I hope maybe foolishly that I get some measure of credit for trying"
"Do they all think like this"
'Yes' Edward tells me
'You just scared the shit outta me,I forgot we could do that for a second'
'Sorry' I can feel him smirking a little
'Did I make you smile a little'
'Yes you did,thank you'
'What are little sisters for'
"We've lost our souls"was the thing I came in on
"So that's it,that's why he won't change me"
"Is that seriously what you're thinking about right now"
"Imagine the situation in reverse, if you believed as Edward does would you take away his soul" he said lighting the bloody tissues on fire

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