Operation save the idiot

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The rest of the ride was quiet until we got into a town filled with red hoods
"Why are they wearing those"I ask
"Saint Marcus day festival.it's the perfect setting they'll never let him go that far. You have to be fast because you have five minutes"
"Five minutes" Bella panics
"Bella calm down you'll make it" then we get stopped by the gate office and he's says something me and Bella can't understand.Bella starts to get out and let's the seat down so I can get out
"You guys go,I'll meet you there" she grabs my hand and we start running As we're running I remember that I can speak to him
"I can find him"
"The mind thing we can do. Just keep running"
'Edward' no response
'Edward I know you can fucking hear me stupid'
'Yes Ed it's me,we're coming'
'You're not real rose told me you and Bella died'
'Edward if you step in that sunlight I'm gonna kick your ass'
'You can't you're not here'
"What,what happened"
"He still thinks we're dead,we have to hurry" we get to a spot where there's three ways
"This way" I pull her towards the stairs and we run up more stairs until we get to what looks like the center of the town and hear the bell again We start to panic and look around when I see a body come out of a door
"Bella,Bella look" I point to where he is and she starts running through the water fountain
"Yeah I'm not doin that" and run around Until I get to them and he looks at he
"Why do they have so many stairs"I pant out of breath he chuckles and pulls me in a hug
"I told you we were coming stupid"
"I know" we pull apart and smile at each other
"You look awful"
"This is what a desiccating vampire looks like"
"Well let's go so you can hunt yogi and probably some Daffy Duck"
"What is with you and characters"
"I don't know but I'm not changing it" and we start walking
"Aro wants to see you"someone said as we where about to leave
"and bring your friends" some tall dude in a cloak said
"Who the hell is that" I ask Edward
"Felix and Dimitri,Aro's their leader"
"Why are you staring at me like that creep" I ask the tall one
"Watch it human,I could end your life right now,you smell mouth watering"
"And you probably smell like rotten blood and a sewer" I say with a straight face then the door opens
"Remi be nice, there's a festival going on"
"She's right"
"Aro sent to see what's taking so long,Follow me" and we start walking
'You think I could get to him and stick chop sticks in his eyes'
"He will rip your arms off but you can try"
'We can destroy him he's powerless against us'
''what was that'
'Use our power and kill all of them' 'shut up!'
'Remi what is that, why is it trying to make you kill us'
'We'll talk about this later,I promise'I look at him and he looks at me when we get in the elevator. Alice and Bella grab my hands as we get out off the elevator and walk down halls until we get to a door that short blondie pushed open

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