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Bella and Jacob took the truck and I'm in the car with Paul. Embry has to get back to the pack to keep searching for Victoria
"Can I turn on the heater"I ask breaking the silence
"Give me your hand"
"You'll see" I put my hand in his instantly start to warm up
"Damn, that's a wolf thing isn't it"
"Yup,one of the perks" I hum a response and put my other hand on his
"Why did you do it" he asked
"Do what" I questioned but I knew what he was talking about
"Jump,why did you jump"
"It was fun"
"But you hate high places"
"Yeah I wanted to try something new"
"You could've died"
"You or embry can come next time, then I'll be safe right. And I only went back down because Bella didn't come up" I tell him
"Why do you always save her,she never saves you."
"Because she's my sister. Plus I never get in things like that and she's clumsy sooo" I finish as we pull up to my home
"Well,good night sushi" he grows
"Stop calling me that"
"Nope"I give him a kiss on the cheek
"Give one to embry for me"
"Hell no" I smile and open the car
"Wait,someone's here" he said pulling me back in
"A vampire"I look around and notice a familiar black car
"That's Carlisle's car"
"Remi wait,if you go in there I can't protect you"
"He won't hurt me" I give him a small smile and get out
"Remi wait!" Paul shouts
"Bella!" Jake shouts as I open the door And Bella comes in after me I turn on the lights and turn around to see
"Alice!" We scream and Bella hugs her then I hug her a little longer
"How are you still alive" she asks us
"What'd you mean" I ask
"I saw both of you jump off a cliff into water. Why in the hell would you try to kill yourselves. What about Charlie or your mom, what about"
"We didn't try to kill ourself" we cut her off
"We where cliff diving.It was fun"
"Besides the almost dying part, sorry we scared you" I say she grabs our hand and leads us to the couch
"I have never met two people more prone to life treating idiocy"
"Did you tell him"I ask
"No,he doesn't know,Neither does Edward. Edward only calls once a month, Jasper barely calls" we nod
"What is that god awful wet dog smell"
"That's probably us"
"Jacob and Paul she means"
"Jacob and Paul who"
"They're kind of werewolves"
"Girls werewolves are not good company to keep"
"Speak for yourself" Jacob said walking him with Paul
"I thought you said you couldn't protect us" we say
"Guess we don't care" Paul said
"We had to make sure you were safe"Jake said
"Well im not gonna hurt them"
"No you just a harmless Cullen" Paul said glaring at her
"We're talking about the other bloodsucker who wants them dead" Jake added
"Victoria?" She asked
"Yeah Victoria's been around"
"I didn't see her, I didn't see you get pulled out of the water either.I cant see past you and your pack of muts"
"Don't get get us angry, it will get really ugly"said and Paul starts twitching. Me and Bella get in between them
"No Stop stop stop"  we say holding our hands up
"I'll give you a minute"Alice says and starts walking towards the back door
"Hey you're coming back right" I ask in fear she might leave. She gives me a little smile
"As soon as you put the dogs out" I smile back and nod and walk in the kitchen and they follow after me
"Are the other ones coming back" Jacob asked
"No not that I know of"
"and so what if they are" I say
"That's it" Jacob said
"Well if that's all then you better run back to Sam"I say to them
"We're trying to protect you"
"They're not gonna hurt us"
"Why are you defending them,they left you"
"You did that same thing Paul"
"Because I had to,it's the rules"
"Since when do you follow rules" I say walking out of the kitchen to go upstairs in my room
"Since I became part of Sam's pack"
"So sam controls who you talk to and hang out with"
"He's my alpha"
"I don't give two shits about who he is, he doesn't scare me"
"He should,I should scare you"
"I don't think should be scared of someone who turns into a big wet dog named sushi"
"That's not-"
"Bella" I heard Alice say
I walk past him and go downstairs
"It's Edward"
"What about him"
"He thinks you're dead,Rosalie told him why I came here,she told him about both of you.Jasper didn't answer"
"That was him wasn't it, why didn't you let me speak to him!?" Bella's yelled
"He didn't ask for you"
"Stupid" I muttered
"I don't care!" She yelled at him
"Bella he's going to the volturi,he wants to die too"Alice tells her. Me Bella and Alice all walk out of the house to Carlisle's car
"He left you Bella he didn't want you anymore remember"
"Yeah well I'm not gonna let him kill his self out of gilt" she said getting into her car. I go to get in but Paul stops me
"why are you going"
"I'm faster at running then she is,I can find him faster"
"You don't need to"
"If I don't she'll fall back into depression,I can't let her. I'll be safe I promise"I give him a hug and get in the car when Jacob sticks his arm in
"Please Bella,stay here for Charlie,for me"(Poor Jacob)
"I have to go"
"I'm begging you, please"
"Bye Jacob" then we pull off and I hit my head
"Ow al" I say putting my seat belt on
When we get out of the airport Alice steals a car and we get in
"Hope you're not against grand theft"

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