Operation save the idiot pt.2

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"Sister he sent you out to get one and you bring three,what a clever girl" a guys with a 80s rock hair style said

"What a happy surprise,Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful,I love a happy ending" an old guy with a receding hairline says taking Edwards hand saying something in a language I don't understand AGAIN

"How can you stand to be so close to her"
"It isn't with out difficulty"
"I can see that" He chuckles
"Aro can see every memory I've ever had.now you've seen everything so get over with it"
"Not just yet" he said turning to me
"You must be Remi" Edward pulls me behind him
"He's very protective of you as well. I see that you have this gift you share with him. One that only you and him can share.How wonderful" he stares at me for a while then switches his eyes between me and Bella
"I would love to see it"I squint my eyes
"If you're both and exception to my gift. Would you do me the honor"he says the last part deeply(this part scared me a little 😂)and holds out his hands for us to take and we walk closer to him so he can do his thingy. Once he's done being weird he looks at us

"I see nothing. I wonder if, let us see if they're immune to all of our gifts shall we Jane" he asked her
"No" Edward grunts and moves to attack
"Pain"She uses her power on him and he goes down
'Ed what can I do'
'You can't ahhh do anything' he keep screaming in his head when I can still hear him and it hurts me too and I start rubbing my head
'Do you think you can block it out like focus on my voice or Bella's scent or something'
"I can't,I tried"
"No one told you to get in the way"
"She was gonna hurt you"
"if your power and aro's power can't work on us why do you think hers will" He looks at me
'Alec' he says and I snap out of our conversation and look up to see him coming at Bella I get in front of her and send him flying into a wall and everyone stares at me
"I-what did I just do"
"It seems you're multi gifted my dear"then Alec gets back up and starts to run
"Alec" aro says sternly then turns to Jane
"Jane, the girls"
"This might hurt a little bit" she stares at us but nothing happens.no screaming or anything until aro laughs creepily and claps his hands
'I can make your hand clap*clap clap clap clap clap clap clap okay I'm sorry'
'Now's not the time Remi'
'I know,I know I just can't take him seriously with that laugh.who the hell laughs like that'
"Our powers are useless on you. So what do we do with you now"
"She knows to much,It's a liability. We can keep the other one"
"No you can't"
"Remi don't" I look at Alice then back at the short haired blonde bug eyed bitch
"Hm, that's true,Felix" then Edward flips Bella over his shoulder so she's facing aro then they start fighting
As Felix is about to rip Edwards head of Bella shouts
"Please! No no please!please!kill me,not him" I look at her like she has two heads
"Did you forget why he came here in the first place" making her understand what she just said
"You would sacrifice your life for someone like us, a soulless monster"
"Just get away from her"
"You don't know anything about a soul" Silence
"This is a sadness. If only it were your intention to give her immortality" he goes to try and attack and I'm ready to scream the most ear bleeding scream
"Wait" Alices voice cuts it
"Bella will be one of us,so will Remi.I'll change them myself,let me show you."She holds out her hand he takes her hand and see whatever she's showing him
"Mesmerizing, to see what you have seen. Your gifts will make for intriguing immortals. Go now, make your preparations"
"Let's be done with this. Ivy will arrive any moment, thank you for your visit"
"I advise you follow through with your promise,we don't give second chances" and we start walking out of the door
"Goodbye young friends" aro finished
'I need more power go back'
'Nope can't do that. I'm going home'
'I will make you pay for disobeying me'
'Who the fuck are you'
'The hollow the most powerful witch of them all. I will-'
'Yeah yeah I don't care anymore. And I should be making you pay.No one said you could stay at hotel de la swan you crazy bitch'
"Hey earth to Remi" Bella said and I snap out of my convo with her
"Are you okay you seem off"Alice questions
"I'm fine. I just don't want to see him right now or ever"
"I know"she said and hooked her arm with mine and we start walking through the crowd of people
"But if it helps,rose threw him on a tree" I chuckle
"A little"
~Skip airport/plane ride•
-At home-
'Edward can you not tell anyone about what you heard please not till I'm ready'
'I promise'
'Thanks, well I'm about to go I'll be back later'
'Okay I'll tell Bella when she wakes'
'Okay'  then I head out of the door to the truck and start driving. I'm half way through the drive and suddenly the truck is sent tumbling like last time. The last thing I see is black boots coming my way then nothing

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