A Second Chapter

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"Dimitri" one of the six strigoi spoke. It was a young man with short, blonde hair. He was enormous, he looked at least 8 feet.

Dimitri pushed me behind him, but i shoved his arm away. 

"I thought we agreed this was my territory" said Dimitri. I decided to stay silent.

"Well, Sonia Karp visited us three days ago and told us all students were still alive, including the Dragomir girl"

I froze. They were talking about Lissa!

"I thought you wanted her alive? I have been waiting for the right moment to strike."

"Yeah sure. We were lucky to have Jesse as back up to break the security, but otherwise we would've used you."

I had no idea what they were talking about. Dimitri seemed to know this particular strigoi and somehow the strigoi didn't kill him. I wondered if they had noticed me. I grasped my stake firmly.

"I thought we made an agreement" the strigoi continued "but it seems like you broke the deal. Do you even understand why we haven't killed you? It was not because you were too strong, but we needed someone who could hide among the dhampirs without being noticed. I always thought you could be useful, but for the first time in my endless life, I was wrong."

Dimitri's expression didn't change. He knew this was coming, I could tell from his cold face. Now lots of things could happen. I expected them to happen. Like, he could try to fight them, tell them that they were wrong or maybe even flee, but nothing happened. Then suddenly one of the strigoi burst into flames. I had never been happier to see Christian's face. But I had to focus, there were still four strigoi left. Wait, what? Weren't there six strigoi at first? I turned around but the strigoi who talked to Dimitri was nowhere to be seen. I looked at the four remaining strigoi. They stood on each side of Dimitri and me, while the fifth tried to catch Christian in what looked like his last seconds. His attempts were in vain. Dimitri and I stood with our backs against each other. I was waiting for him to give a sign. When I felt the muscles in his back tense, I knew he was ready to attack. I jumped towards the strigoi on my right. He was stronger than I expected. I pinned him down on the ground, but it was difficult to keep him there. Quickly I moved my leg forward, between my arms, so I could place my foot under his chin. I pressed his head back and thrust my stake rapidly in four random parts of his chest. Luckily, he stopped moving. I turned around and found Dimitri fighting two strigoi, while Christian set the thirth on fire. I was slightly embarrassed that I was the one who just killed one strigoi, while the others were killing two. I tried to help Dimitri, but he managed to beat the two strigoi himself. Slowly we looked at each other, but then I felt some terrible ache in my head. Not a usual headache, or as if something had hit me, but something far more painful. I collapsed on the forest ground and couldn't help screaming. It felt as if someone was burning my brains with the hottest fire in existence, no not even that, it was hotter. Tears flowed out of my eyes. Something was happening to Lissa. Then I lost consciousness.

I opened my eyes and saw Dimitri was kneeling beside me and held me in his arms. I tried to reach Lissa, but that appeared to be inpossible. Something was blocking the bond. Or someone. I felt my body ache, but I really wanted to stand up instead of lying here on the ground in the middle of the forest, so I slightly shook Dimitri's arms off and grabbed the branch of a nearby tree to keep myself standing. I looked at Christian.

"Where is Lissa? Please tell me she is safe?" Christian's face twitched.

"I hoped you would know." 

Suddenly the pain came back, slightly less painful than before, but still painful. It caused my mind to become a big mess of panic, pain and rage.  I felt as if I had lost a part of my body. I tried to stay calm, but my unstable temper was unstoppable. I launched myself angrily at Dimitri.

"Where is she? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

For a moment I didn't care he was the man I loved, I just wanted the pain to go away. Dimitri gripped my wrist and slowly removed it from his chest. He looked at Christian.

"Something is happening to their minds. I have to solve it, before it becomes worse."

I shrieked "What else haven't you told me? You're nothing else than dirty secrets."

My inside knew that this wasn't entirely true. There had to be more than Dimitri told me, but probably he had good reasons for not telling me everything. Dimitri touched my chin and turned my head towards him so I had to look at his eyes. His brown eyes, not the red ones from before. I felt myself calming down and began to wonder who he was. I always thought that I was someone who knew him as he was.  Now I realised that all the things I knew of him were just a tiny bit of who he was.  Dimitri slightly caressed my cheek.

"I will explain everything later." he said.

I turned my head away to hide my tears, but I knew that I couldn't hide them from these eyes. I never cried. Someone's really been messing with the bond. Slowly Dimitri turned my head again towards him.

"Please Rose, you have to trust me."

I blinked. "Can you help me find Lissa? Can you make the pain go away?" 

"I will try everything, but I need your trust."

I slowly nodded. "I trust you."

Dimitri pulled away from me and turned to Christian.

"Go back to the school and help protect the casualties, but watch out, you never know what hides in the forest."

Christian nodded and just walked away.

"Christian!" I shouted with a cracking voice. He turned around to look at me.

"Thank you so much for saving our lives!"

"No problem, you will save mine one day eventually." he said.

"But you're still a freak" I said, while I produced a little smile. He chuckled and headed to Saint Vladimir.

Dimitri and I were left alone together. I looked at him. "I assume you have a plan?" It was more a question than a statement.

"I do have a plan indeed, but we're gonna need a car." 

And than he did something strange. He grapped my hand and pulled me with him.



I know it's been a long time, but this thing wasn't meant to be a story, so i didn't know what to write and how the story would evolve. I know it is a bit boring but i hope to improve it. Something else I have to improve is my English. Voca and grammar. At school english is easy, but here.... It's like an imploding star, a huge black hole. I  hope you know I live in the Netherlands, so if you find terrible mistakes, PLEASE COMMENT! I really hope to write this story more, and I have a plan for the story so, maybe it's gonna be something? I won't ask you to vote, just vote if you feel like voting ;) I'm happy enough if someone's reading this story


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