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After getting changed, as far away from the fresh smears of blood as possible, I made several trips back and forth, carrying bundles of blankets and distributing them amongst the shoppers and staff, along with (Y/N).

Finally, I finished my last load, returning to sit back with Eri, Kayama and Ms. Shuzenji, reaching over to carefully fix my sister's blanket so it covered her arm as she slept upon the ravonet's lap.
"We heard about what happened. Are you alright, love? I'm so sorry to hear about your young friend..." Ms. Shuzenji asked softly, her sad, wrinkled eyes making me feel sicker.

"I'll be fine...I'd rather not talk about it right now, though..." I replied, attention immediately caught by (Y/N), who slipped into our claimed aisle with a blanket and a bottle of (F/drink).
"That's the last of the-" She cut herself off after she sat down, raising a brow in my direction. "Where's your blanket?"

There hadn't been enough for everyone, so I had voluntarily skipped out, along with the strange military trio and a tattooed biker who went by the name Dabi. He had insisted he was hot blooded and didn't need the musty old things.

"I like the cold." A simple answer, and a big fat lie. I was the type to cocoon myself in multiple, thick blankets, layer my socks and still whine about being a Shinsicle, all at the beginning of Autumn. I very much hated the cold.
"We could share, if you want?" (Y/N)'s offer took me off guard, and as much as I wanted to accept, my anxiety screamed every single word for no in every known language out of panic.
"Uh, thanks but...uh, I'm good...You keep warm..."

Stupid, Hitoshi! Stupid, dumb, no balls Hitoshi!

As I internally scolded myself, I gazed at Eri's sleeping form. I wanted to pick her up and hold her close, but waking her up would be a bad idea, and incredibly unfair. Despite the sun barely setting, she needed to sleep, if not for gaining energy, then for keeping her fears at bay.

Our father was probably worried sick. Aizawa had never really been one to be vocal about his care, but I knew he'd be in a panic about the two of us. What scared me the most was the thought of him trying to venture out into the mist to find us.

Time passed, and the store grew colder. Everyone else dozed as I sat there, trying to zone out and think warm thoughts. Crisp packaging crinkled as I adjusted the position of my head against the shelves, and I brought my knees closer to my chest.

I jolted as I felt material drape over me, seizing up as the warmth of another's skin pressed against my side. (Y/N) glanced up at me with a small smile, still kind of tucking me into our now shared space.
"I..I'm really not-"
"Your teeth were chattering, you goofball. Quit being proud and cuddle up. I don't have cooties or anything."


"I..I would never think that!" As soon as the whispered shout left my lips I shrank down, averting my eyes back to the ground in embarrassment. "Uh, thanks...Sorry, I just didn't feel right asking you to share with someone like me..."

My pulse jumped when I felt her scooch closer, neck craning to try and make me meet her (E/C) eyes.
"Someone like you..? What on earth are you on about? Out of anybody I know, I'd say you're the perfect blanket sharing choice." She scoffed, knee bumping mine. "I knew you were lying before. You used to layer sweaters in middle school. You looked like a toasty, woolen onion."

Wait, she remembers?

Finally turning back to her, my brow lifted, words somehow managing to get past the lump in my throat.
"I didn't think you took much notice of me back then..." I admitted, immediately regretting it once slight offence flashed across her face.
"For real? We sat next to each other for two years in a row. You used to doodle really cool things in your work books, and I always tried to copy them but...I don't have a lick of drawing talent."

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