CHAPTER EIGHT: Let There Be Light

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It's so warm...

Cracking my eyes open, I could see why. At some point after I had fallen asleep, Eri had crawled across the aisle, and she was squished tight between me and (Y/N). Both of them were kind of sprawled over me, and my half asleep brain quickly kicked itself into full function.

(Y/N)'s hand had somehow found mine during sleep, and her arm laid across my kid sister, beneath the blanket. It was an adorable sight, but my mind was screeching in both shock and excitement as I stared at our interlocked hands.

She is so out of my freaking league, but my god, she's holding my hand!

It was dark inside the store, but I could hear clanging and muttering coming from somewhere near the front, so I decided it would be best to go and investigate. Carefully, and oh-so slowly, I began to slide myself out from beneath the girls, maneuvering Eri along with the blanket so I wouldn't disturb either of them.

Once on my feet, I took a moment to capture the mental image of the two before heading towards the noises, the chill much sharper after having left the heat of the blanket.
"The hinges are all fuckin screwy!" One of the voices, and definitely the loudest, came from the military blond I had spotted earlier, and once I got closer, I realised why he seemed to familiar.

"Katsuki, that's as high as it tilts. You'll break it..." Uraraka scolded, batting his hands away from what looked to be an industrial floodlight. Bakugou Katsuki, a year older and a known name across town for his stinker of an attitude. It was kind of surprising to see him in uniform, especially considering the Military was such a disciplined force.

"I'm not an idiot, Cheeks!" He snapped back, but not as viciously as he had been with the light. "Tell the others to hurry up with the others so we can get some light up in this bitch." Before Uraraka could respond, she noticed me ambling towards them, waving me over.

"Shinso, Midoriya told me what happened! Are you alright?! What happened to Kaminari?!" The last thing I wanted was to relive the experience, but I owed her an answer. They had been friends too, after all.
"Something got him. I don't know what it was, but it's out there..." I glanced towards the dark storefront, the glass foggy and dripping with condensation.

"Probably just a rabid mongrel or something." Bakugou huffed, ruffling the brunette's hair as he passed by, carnelian eyes catching mine for a short moment. "I'm helping myself to food. Tell your ratty manager I'm not paying, either! He owes me for dragging that damn thing out here!"

Both of us sighed in unison as he stomped off, and the girl seemed to be silently apologising for his attitude with the look on her face.
"So, are we trying to get some light?" I questioned, even though it was rather obvious.
"Yeah, plus we might be able to see if it's clearing outside at all. This is some scary stuff..." Uraraka replied, fiddling with her nametag. "Takeyama, Ojiro, Nezu, Sato and Hagakure all left with Nishiya earlier, and now with Kaminari...people are getting nervous..."

I can't fucking blame them...

"Oh! How's Eri coping? The poor thing, hearing her cry before broke my heart." Uraraka and Eri had a good bond. Ever since she was a toddler, the bubbly girl had babysat her when I wasn't available to, and it felt good knowing there were others around that would help look out for her.

"She's been sleeping, for the most part. She's curled up with (Y/N) right now, but she's going to be scared when she wakes up..." I sighed, combing a hand through my hair. "So, Katsuki, huh? That's unexpected." Pink cheeks turning red, Uraraka glanced to the side, rocking on her heels.
"Uh...(Y/N), huh? First name basis, am I right?" She laughed awkwardly, which put us both in equally embarrassed states. Checkmate.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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