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Twenty years ago, the infant princess Annalise was stolen from her crib in Asyn. In hopes of finding his daughter, King Karter searched every kingdom, exhausting his resources, and often leaving kingdoms in taters. Once his daughter's body was found dead in the neighboring kingdom of Eliesens, he declared war. Eventually, the other kingdoms rose against Asyn purely for revenge. Now, as the kingdoms close in on Asyn, depreate times call for desperate measures.


When news of six ancient relics, a relic for each of the six kingdoms, reaches King Kater, he sets his army in search of these relics in hopes it will allow him to bring his daughter back from the dead. What he doesn't know, the relics are stronger, more powerful, than anyone could ever imagine. When falling into the wrong hands, could lead to disaster.


In order to distract Asyn citizens and the surrounding kingdoms from his ventures he decides to host a selection for his eldest son, Prince Sebastian. However, spies from the other five kingdoms have managed to infiltrate the selection, and are set on one thing, killing the royal family.

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