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"I wish it would have been easier..."


 "Loving you." 


Eden couldn't comprehend why it was so easy for others to be happy. It seemed like she had to try so hard to grasp at least a piece of what they had. She was starting to get tired of reaching.

Noah was never concerned with other people or what they had that he did not. He was strong headed, brave and reckless. Some might say this combination was dangerous. He couldn't care less.

What happens when Eden tries to reach one more time and grasps onto something that was never there until now?

This is not a story about other people saving you. It is a story about how other people can be armor and encouragement you need to keep fighting.



Hey guys! Thank you for clicking on this story. I wrote this because it is quite close to my heart and my experience. This is one of my first stories, so advice is always welcome! I encourage you to share and discuss what happens in the book in the comments as well!

I hope you like it and enjoy reading this story. I've hidden some pieces of myself in it, and I wish for you to find yours. 


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