*Chapter one*

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Tyler's POV

"WAKE UP" I hear as I'm being shaken...I turn over, only to see my mother's face with a huge smile on it.

"Why??" I groaned...as I check my phone to see that it's only 7:13 am.
"The new neighbors are here! We should go help them." She uttered
"New neighbors?" I asked with a confused glare. "Ya didn't I tell you about them?" She asked "No" I answered "And I wish u didn't have too...I loved our old neighbors.And I bet the new ones are going to be cranky and 100 years old!" I shouted. She sat there shocked. "Well...there's a boy that's only a few years younger than you, so you might want to rethink that" She said with a smirk. "I still remember the day you came out to me!" She added "Even though I already knew" she said with a chuckle.

It's been 5 years since I've came out to her. 4 years ago I came out to the world.

"Well what are you waiting for, go look pretty!" She told me. I laughed and walked into the bathroom to get ready. I don't care who this guy is...he's not going to be better than Mrs. Maynard, our old neighbor, who would give me pizza every Friday night.

"Are you almost ready?" my mom yell as she banged on the door continuously.

"Yeah" I said, as I walk out to see my mother patiently waiting by the door..."Are you ready to head over?" She asked.

We both walked across my driveway into their yard. As we walk up to the door I extend my arm to knock on the door.

When my hand was just about to hit the door, it opens. "Hi!" She said. "Hey, I'm Jackie, and this is tyler! We live right next door" My mother says said pointing to our small house. "Oh ok...I'm Laurelle. Come on in!" She uttered as she started walking into their house. Although I have been in this house multiple times, it was so different.

I heard footsteps come from the stairs. I look behind me to see a boy. He doesn't look only a few years younger than me! He looks like 10!

I look at my mother curiously. "I thought you said he was a few years younger than me?" I asked. "That's what I was told sweety" she said.

"Oh ya we have 4 kids" laurelle added.

"Kids come down here" she yelled to them.

"Coming" I heard from at least two different rooms.

As they all came, there was only three. I could have swarn she said 4 kids! Oh well.

"Well...?"she said lifting up an eyebrow at the three kids standing in front of her. "Introduce yourselves!" She finally added.

"Hey, I'm Sage" the sister said.

"Tyde" the youngest brother said.

"And I-I'm T-Troye" the other brother said. This must be the boy my mom was talking about. Man, he's kinda cute! I said to my self hoping know one heard me.

"Hello everyone! I'm Tyler!"I replied in a peppy accent.

"They have an older brother too but he's not here right now" I heard from what must have been Laurelle.

"Ok...and what's his name?"my mother asked.

"Steele" she said.

My mother and Laurelle kept talking until my mom jumped. "Is everything ok?" Laurelle asked with a worried face. "Oh ya, I just forgot I had breakfast cooking!" My mom said. Laurelle replied, "Oh my! Well you better go check on that!"

We started walking out the door when I heard my mom say something. "I just had a great idea!" She said. "Why don't you all come over for breakfast!" She added.

"Are you sure that wouldn't be too much of a hassle?" Laurelle asked. "No! Of course not! Why don't you come over in ten minutes?" My
Mom questioned. "Sounds like a plan!"

I heard as the door shut behind us.

As we walk into our house I was glad to remember I have ten minutes to go change into a nice outfit, and redo my hair!

"Awe" I heard from my side.

"What mom?" I asked.

"Your so cute when you blush! They way your eyes open so wide and your fave turns pink, it's cute" She said with a squeal.

"I was not blushing"

Or was I?

Ok that was the first chapter. So sorry if it was kinda boring cuz they had to have an awkward first meet kinda thing! So I hope you liked it and comment if u have any ideas on what I should write about!

Love you all~

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