*chapter 6*

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(Tyler's POV)

I stare blankly at the note that Troye left for me. I can't help but worry for him. He is such a great guy, he doesn't deserve anything bad to happen. Wait...what am I saying...he never said it was 'bad news'...did he?

I sit in my room pacing back and forth. I am so worried. I can't think straight.

I here knocking on my door. I ran down the stairs to get it, I hope it's Troye. But it wasn't. It was my mom. She has grocery bags in her hands, so I helped her come in.

"Are you ok?" She asked. She must notice that my eyes are all red.

"I don't know..." I answered honestly.

"We'll what happened then?" She asked.

"Well...when I woke up, Troye was gone, but he left a note." I

She read the note. Then said, "since it's already after noon, I would call him to make sure he is ok."

I nodded in response.
"Hello?" I herd a familiar voice say.

"Hi! Are you ok? Is ur family alright? Are you hurt?" I ask worriedly.

"Calm down!" I here him scream into the phone. "Everyone is alright, well now at least." He uttered. "W-What happened?" I asked.

I herd him sigh, "When my mom got home from her business trip, she found Tyde on the floor unconscious. They brought him to the hospital. They did some tests, but found nothing. He's home now though with the rest of my family."

"Is he getting better?" I ask

"Yeah" he answered, "My mom was mad at me though..." He continued telling me how his mother was over reacting because he was next door the whole time.

After a while he said that he should get some rest, and said goodbye.

"Wait!" I shouted, making sure he herd me. "Yeah?" He said

"What are you doing tomorrow?" I ask

"My mom said I need to go find a job." He said sadly.

"They are looking for a worker at the place I work for...!" I said excitedly

"Ok! I do need to go though."

"Bye Tyler..." He continued

"Bye Troye"

hey guys

It's been a while and I'm sorry. I have a lot going on right now (three different soccer teams) so it's busy. if u have any ideas for my story feel free to leave a comment. And don't forget to vote

love you all~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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