*chapter 2*

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Troyes POV

Today was October 11. Today was the day I moved from Perth, Australia to Los Angeles, California.

Moving was hard! I never really thought about how much effort it took. I thought you put everything in a truck then take it back out. But you don't!

I was laying on my bed, that wasn't even made yet, scrolling through tumblr. when I heard my mom yell to us "kids come down here."

"Coming" I said, thinking she just needed us to put a vase on a tall shelf or something...I was wrong!

When I walked down our stairs I heard unfamiliar voices. As I reach the bottom step I hesitate for a minute, thinking, do I really want to walk into a room with strangers. But then I thought; if I want to make friends I'm going to have to walk up and 'try' to be social.

I take a deep breath and look around the corner. I see a guy, that looks like he's only a few years older than me. When we locked eyes I noticed something, was he...blushing? I also notices another detail...he has purple hair! I try not to stare too long, I thought, before I see a women...possibly in her late 40's? Must be his mom.

As Tyde, Sage, and I stand there, we introduce ourselves. Then after a while our conversations started to dye down until I felt a jump coming from Jackie, wait that's her name right?

"Is every think alright?" My mom asked her confusingly. "Oh ya I just forgot I had breakfast cooking" Jackie added.

After that I must have zoned out because all I remember after that was my mom saying, "Ok we will see you in ten." The way she said 'we' could only mean my mother and father,or everyone.

As the door shuts I here my mom squeal! "What?" I ask her.

"They seam really nice!" She said with a giggle. "Now go get ready, we are going over for breakfast in ten minutes" she added as I start heading for my room.

I open my white door and walk into my dark room. The only light is from my fairy lights that are hanging around my room.

I flick the switch and groan as the light fills my room. I wish I could just stay in bed on my laptop 24/7!

As I sit in my train of thought for what seams like thirty seconds, but when I here my mom call that we are leaving in two minutes, my thoughts change.

I run over to my dresser and find the first nice shirt I find. I pull my maroon jumper with an 'A' on the front, over my head. I also grab a pair of tight jeans and head to the bathroom. I grab my hair-jell rub it throughout my hair until I get it right...I walk downstairs and wait on the couch for the rest of my family to be ready.

*at Tyler's house*

We all sit down at the dining room table. Plates and silverware are all set up. "What are we having?" Tyde asks Jackie. "Scrambled eggs and toast. " she replied as I sat there with a smile on my face. "Oh what a coincidence, that's Troyes favorite!" My mom said cheerfully.

I just sat there listening to my mom talk to Jackie until Tyler came in with the food. "It's ready!" He shouted as every one stopped what they were doing to dig in. Tyler just stood there watching every one fill their plates when his mom said, "Ty? Why don't you sit down?" And that's when I realized why he was standing. It's not like there wasn't any chairs left, there was one...next to me. He probably thought it would be too awkward sitting next to someone he doesn't even know, for a whole meal.

"Oh ya" he said, ruining my train of thoughts.

I watched him him walk over to the chair and sit down. Was it weird that I noticed how he slightly scooched the chair closer to me. Ya...I think it was.

The rest of the breakfast was pretty quite. After I finished eating I decided to go on my phone to avoid any awkward conversations.
I opened tumblr. and scrolled through my dashboard. I noticed one of my good, and only friends, Zoe had rebloged a gif with the caption "I'm happy to anyone and everyone who can except themselves for who they are!"

Interested, I click on it. A video pops up and I press play.

"HAPPY C-C-C-COMIMG OUT DAY" my phone shouts as I drop in onto the floor.

I here gasps from all around the room. "TROYE SIVAN MELLETE!" My mom yells across the table. "What do I tell you about phones at the table!?" She added. "I- I'm really sorry mom!" I told her.

All I here is a chuckle from my side...TYLER!

Ok so again...sorry if it was kinda slow but they JUST meet. But I promise it will be more exciting!!! If you have any ideas on what I should add, feel free to leave a comment and like it.

Love you all~

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