Chapter 4

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I hear snickering and feel unforgiving stares- as if I've just committed a crime. There in front of me is Chloe Robbins and her clique- the most rude group of people in our grade. They're those type of girls that will either make you or break you in a heartbeat. Usually no one messes with them, but in the past I have. I'm not too proud of it though.

And I have absolutely no escape. What a wonderful time to be alone in.

"Aww how adorable," mocks Chloe. "The rebel looks so happy, it makes me want to smile. It's so cute." She adds a fake pity smile making me want to throw up. My smile falters completely now. This bitch always finds a way to ruin my day.

But I won't give in.

I mean not this time anyway.

A girl I recognize as Chloe's best friend Bella comes towards me and shouts, "Are you fucking deaf or just naturally stupid?" She's too close to me now, to the point where I see every inch of her face. The pale, straight blonde hair, light green eyes, and dark red lips to top it off.

"I say both!" A guy wearing a school football jacket yells. They all laugh.

I clench my fists tightly together and grit my teeth. I'm so tempted to slap the attitudes coming from them.. but I can't.. I can't give them what they want. They're waiting for me to snap so that I do end up hurting one of them for real and get suspended. No.. not this time. I've already dealt with enough of that back in freshman year.

"So you're just going to ignore me?" says Chloe in a prissy way.

"And me?" Bella adds.

My fists unclench. "I just don't have time to deal with morons like all of you." The moment that sentence escapes my mouth, I walk away confidently with a smirk and hear Chloe and her stupid friends gasping. It's hilarious to hear that they're known to run the school.

When I'm just out of earshot, I hear Chloe growl,

"You won't get away with this rebel!"

I shrug. I'm not picking a fight with her today.

**Time skip- Second period**

Our teacher, Mr Charleston, lectures on and on about the course contract details and expectations. He seems okay, but I can already tell he is going to be some boring ass professor. I turn around to face Celeste sitting behind me and give a bored look. She gives me a similar look in return, but then immediately whispers something that gets my attention.

"Oh so you would rather look at me then the boring teacher huh?"

My face goes bright red and she simply laughs softly. "It was a joke I promise. I'm sorry if I made you a little uncomfortable."

"No it's fine.." I whisper back. I'm still in shock Celeste said that. Celeste. The love note. The plan.

F U C K.

My worrying must show on my face because Celeste's suddenly contorts on concern.

"Hey.. you alright?" She asks worriedly and I quickly clear my throat to snap out of it.

"Yeah, just thinking," I reply and Celeste simply nods.

The conversation drops from there and the teacher finally finishes lecturing. The bell rings signaling the next class and everyone runs out. I awkwardly walk out so that I don't face Celeste. It was so sad that I couldn't even have one full conversation with her.

Then yet again, knowing me, I could never pull that off with anybody. High school is both the definition of a burden and a blessing. The good as well as the bad happens. But in the end, it's how you dealt with it to get you where you need to be today. I was a whole different person.. no not personality wise necessarily and I'm aware of how cheesy I sound.

What I meant was no more fights, gang member shit and of course no use of magic in school or for vengeance, my mother once told me.

Speaking of my mother, I immediately get two texts from her, they read:

Mom: Hey Lil! How's your first day going? Meet anyone knew? Maybe someone named Celeste? ;))

Mom: Also you are not permitted to use any spells or any magic related content at school. Understand? Just a friendly reminder. Same goes for Zander so tell his ass to lay off girls for a while.

I roll my eyes, but can't help but to chuckle replying to the messages. It was true- Zander always used love spells to seduce girls in the past. That's  why he wasn't been allowed to use them for a long time. I sigh and put my phone away.

I attempt to walk down the hallway to get to third period, but something suddenly stops me.

A whole crowd of people walking my way as other people pushing past them to either get a good view of what's about to happen or to get to class on time.

I hear a snicker. "Back for more eh?"

Author's note: What do you think will happen next?

Picture at the top is of Chloe^^

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