Chapter 5

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The minute I dash out of the classroom to catch up to Lilith, I see her standing in front of a whole crowd gathered in the middle of the hallway. They look as if they're about to have a class fight and what sickens me is that no one seems to want to stop it.

"In a hurry there ehh?" I hear a voice say. It sounds cruel. But Lilith doesn't answer. She simply stares at them.

I see Lilith attempting to push her way through the crowd, but a tall guy- I think his name is Chris, ends up blocking her way. That jerk. I angrily clench my fists together. I'm so tempted to say something.. but I'm so afraid that I just can't.

Gosh I was so lame.

"Where we you going?" The same kid sneers. "Late for a date? Late for a therapist appointment?"

They all break out in laugher again but this time, Lilith looks completely unaffected. She shoots back a little comeback and everyone gasps. I can't help but laugh silently to myself. I'm not trying to attract attention.

The murmurs go quiet as soon as the principal arrives with his long neck tie and school signature keys jingling along his side. He clears his throat and you can actually hear a pebble drop.

"What seems to be the issue?"

Lilith goes pale and takes a step back, while Bella walks up and attempts to explain her side of the story, but I immediately cut her off.

"Nothing bad happened at all." I tell him, instantly attracting dark and shocking stares.

"Really?" He questions. "Doesn't seem like nothing with all the commotion going on here." In the corner of the area, I hear Chloe whisper.

"I assure you it's fine sir." is my final reply before he nods and gives everyone a warning.

"Anyone who decides to start a fight will face serious consequences." You could chip ice of off his voice I mean like jeez.

He nods again and walks out with the assistant principal. The students and some of the teachers follow. Then Blake and Ariana, until me and Lilith are entirely alone.

Instead of giving me a relieved look like expected, Lilith gives me a more serious one. I frown. Did I do something wrong?

"Are you insane," Lilith snaps at me. "Messing with them? Y-You could've gotten hurt Celeste."

"Ugh no way," I shake my head. "I stood up for you because not only are you my friend, but you did nothing wrong."

Lilith's look falters a bit and she finally lightens up the mood by whispering a big 'thank you.' I can't help but instantly pull her in for a hug and her eyes widen at the sudden hug. She hugs me back lighten than I'm hugging her, but in all truth who cares? Lilith is really important to me and I'm willing to do anything to protect her.

Lilith pulls away from the hug and sighs, "I got to get to class before the teacher thinks I'm doing drugs or some other crazy shit."

"It's fine. I'll see you later."



There were much more urges than just a hug around Celeste. Luckily, I was able to fight them- well most of them anyway. I had the urge to not just keep my hands around her waist, but to move them down further. Yeah.. not the best timing I know. Thankfully, I beat the urges and ran down to class.

As I entered the classroom, people stopped and stared at me coldly. The teacher had no expression what so ever on his face as he just simply told me to go sit down next to Celeste. Wait- Celeste is in this class? I shake off the thought and do as I'm told and I once again make eye contact with her. Ugh, I was so lame to make everything so awkward.

Suddenly I remember something- the love note. I frantically search my jacket pocket to make sure it's there but when I do, it ends up not being there. I internally freak out. Where could it have gone? I must've dropped it somewhere.

"Lilith? You okay?" Celeste asks with concern.

"Uh yeah I'm fine. Just looking for a pencil," I lie.

She looks at me skeptically and the conversation drops from there as the teacher is about to begin his forty- three minute lecture. He starts by introducing himself and handing out course contracts. My mind wanders back to the thought of where my cringy love note could really be..


Author's note: Sorry for the late update everyone, but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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