remade iris

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{name} iris rose

pale long sometimes wavy blonde hair, green eyes, freckles, usually wearing pink or blue skirts/dresses.

{personality} kinda shy,quiet, tries to be brave, and tries to stick up for the losers but Henry Patrick And Victor usually take her down, smart, popular, serious, cold to people sometimes when upset.

{sexuality} bi.

{self defense} normal, but she's weak when it comes to the bowers club. (if you're wondering, no iris is not a bowers anymore. atleast in some roleplays she's not)

she is the most popular girl in school, she's fairly rich as well. her family is considered "perfect" but that's just a cover up.

her mother k an extreme alcoholic, and usually doesn't care about her kids. and makes iris her little princess even though she has told her multiple times that that's not who she is.

her father is having affairs with other woman.

and her older brother Kevin smokes and isn't around usually. when he is, he's rude to his sister.

iris is made by her mother to smile, and act all pretty. when iris really wants to be herself, herself is a free person. she isn't really allowed to hang out with boys but she sneaks out with the losers.

{crush} stanley uris or bill denbrough (did I spell that right?) or both of them.

{skin color} she's white/ caucasian.

{religion} catholicism (her family is very heavy on religion as well.

{etc} Henry treats her the same as Beverly, she and Beverly became friends because she stood up to Greta for her, despite being a little shy.

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